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Kings In Shallow Water


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Hey all.

Myself and Greg decided to hit the main harbour. Picked up a few squid, pity we dropped as many as we got, grrrrrrrrrrrr :1badmood: . First light saw a dozen or so yakkas in the lie bait tank. A just in case.

Decided to hit a new spot upriver that has always looked ppromising. First two squid down, dont even make it to the bottom before double hookup. All in less than 3mins of pitching the anchor over the side. It continued on and off like this for about 3hrs. End tally was 8 hookups, and 3 bustoffs. Smallest king went 71 and biggest went 84. We diidnt take out the digi cam this time :thumbdown:.

It was amusing the kingys werent sounding and they were sometimes on the surface sucking down glassies i think. But the biggest highlight was hooking up in 7 metres of water. Landed it but only just. :yahoo: . We didnt bother keeping any.

Top day out. I love mid week sessions


Edited by Dan and Greg
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Great stuff D&G,

you guys put in the time and get the rewards.


Hey Dave! Hope ur shoulder is feeling better and u make it out this weekend.


dan and greg,

where you the two guys on the brooker i was talking to??

Well done on the kings.


brent (CHIPS)

Hey Brent

Yup that was us. Its gregs boat, but sometimes i sneak aboard. :biggrin2:


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Nice work..I should have dragged some squid through there yesterday...didn't end up finding any sambos too windy by the time I got out there.

I did hit it again today and did well...kings to 80cm, no mucking around with light gear today...may have to venture out again tomorrow..might need a 6pack of V's in the morning to get going though...

Will need to go back to work to get a sleep in!!!

I'm at eastryde so will have to keep an eye out for you guys around the locals...

Cheers brent

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