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Maccapoint Matty Is Back On The Water!

MaccaPoint Matty

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Hey fellow raiders...

Im sure everyone is looking forward to the long weekend ahead - plently of time on the water and hopefully heaps of great fish being caught...!!

Well its been a great week for myself and my brother - after a number of years off the water we have finally brought a boat and this weekend will be the first of many weekends out on the harbour wetting a line...

Now the old girl 'as we already call her' has plenty of room to wish and even more room for the :wife: on board which is why we chose her over a tinnie of half cab...

Here she is so if you see us around give us a wave a hope to meet some radiers face to face over the coming months...


I would just like to say a big thanks to Bob and Shannon who we brought her off (dont know your raider names) but i found her on this website and my brother and I look forward to having her for many years to come..

Tight lines everyone...

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:1welcomeani: MaccaPoint Matty,

Congratulations on your purchase, the old girl looks to be in fine condition indeed.

Character, Style, Craftsmanship undeniable attributes of the "Old Girl"

I trust you will have many enjoyable hours with her.

I just love these old boats.



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Thanks Mariner 31...

She has lots of character and hopefully the next photo you see of her will be with her first kingfish...

Im with you on the old boats - I just love the older styles - Also when out yesterday she took the rough waters with ease and my brother and i were saying if we had gone with a tinnie or small half cab we would be rocking around like a drunk sailor at 2am in the morning..!

Thanks again mate and watch this space... kutti will be seeing alot of action in the coming months..!

Thanks Jewgaffer...

All i have to say to you is your the man - ive been reading your posts for months now and i have learnt so much from you and enjoy reading your posts everytime..

I hope to get into a jew sometime soon and with your tips it will make it some what eaiser to catch the elusive jewfish..

Before then i have a bet to work on - a bet with my brother to catch a kingfish - a case of beer is on offer... :beersmile:

Thanks again - maccapoint matty

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