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Wyong Creek 12/1


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After my usual partner in crime bailed on me at the last minuet Saturday morning was set for a solo mission.

I dusted of the 5wt, tied on a new leader, grabbed a handful of flies and tossed them in the boat the night before. It had been a while since I had tossed a fly let a lone caught a fish.

I was on the water by 6.15am and casting by 6.30. The first few casts were shockers with wind knots, treading on lines and flies getting caught in trees. But after a dozen or so the fly was starting to go in the vicinity of where it was supposed to.

I worked my way up the creek casting at every snag, rock wall, boat that I could find for not so much as a touch. It was starting to get very frustrating. I eventually pulled 2 small bream from under the wharf at the co-op which was very satisfying.


I kept fishing for another hour or so with no more touches so I decided to give the plastics a go.

Well to cut a long story short I tried every trick in the book, went down to 4lb leader, 2" grubs, Bass Minnows, Hawgs but couldn’t raise another bream. So i went off to explore the lake.

First stop Toukley bridge. I pulled 1 small bream off a pylon and got absolutely smoked on another. After the first run straight back in to cover I remember “That’s right I went down to 4lb leaderâ€

Anyway tried a couple of other spots around the lake without much luck so I headed back to the creek. I went up a little further this time and pulled 3 reasonable fish in 20mins with the best going 31cm to the fork.


As well as a flatty that was nice enough to join me for dinner


Now heading back to the ramp Wyong creek is an 8knt zone but very few boats obey that, me included. As I rounded a bend on the plane who do you think I happen to see but Mr Waterways. He called me over and asked for my licence. He asked what speed I was doing and if I knew the speed limit. I told him the truth on both. He also asked if there was any reason I was going so fast I said no. He checked my safety gear and was nice enough to let me off with a warning.

One thing worth noting was that he told me I needed a fire extinguisher on the boat because I had underfloor fuel tank and the majority of my deck was covered. From y understanding if you keep your fuel under the deck or in a hatch you need one. Its an $80 fine if you don’t have one. He let me off that as well. I bough one from Super Cheap yesterday for $30.

One last thing a big thanks to the guy who gave me a hand to get the boat on the trailer. I owe you a beer.

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At least your getting a few fish Jethro, nice report. It seems to be a very hot and cold river for fishing. A friend of mine had a follow from an EP in excess of 50 cm :1yikes: last week up the river. Very few of these are taken though.

Im a bit the same as you I just keep going back there even though I havent done well. (although you do ok ) Im sure there is some Bream in there, just got to find em.


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Good going Jethro. Looks like I'm looking for a fire extinguisher now. :risata:

Hey Jethro...You wouldn't happen to be missing a toe would you???? :1prop:

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Thanks guys. It was the toughest days fishing I have had in the creek since I got the boat.

The flathead was beautiful. Dipped in beer rolled in flour and straight in the pan. Washed down with a chilli beer from the Sunshine Coast Brewery. You should know them Ken????

Grantm - a 50cm EP would be a great catch especiall out of Wyong Creek. We went out again on Sunday to try some jigheads we had just made. The bream were few and far between again but my mate scored this one.


It went 36cm. Thats 4 EPs we have caught in there now

Hey Jethro...You wouldn't happen to be missing a toe would you???? :1prop:


Thats an odd question Joe........ But yes I am :biggrin2:. Who have you been talking to ????

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BTW, I keep my finger in a jar in the cupboard, where does one keep ones toe. :1prop:


I had it surgically (sp?) removed as a kid, they took the all the bone as well. I wanted to keep it in a jar but the oldies wouldn't have a bar of it. My guess is it ended up as a battered sav somewhere :risata:

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50cm is a damn big ep alright for Wyong but its from a reliable source as well so id believe it.

I was speaking to an old timer who just came out of knowhere when I was fishing Brisi Waters last week.He dissapeared off into knowhere as just quickly but we spoke for 2 hours. Was I just visited by a fishing spirit? Maybe - twas a bit spooky but he had me entranced.

Heres the story

He said he has lived and fished the Wyong area his whole life, he said EP of that size are in there and always have been, but are particularly elusive and have been a rare catch over the last 10 years. He seemed to think big ep's will only take live local prawns on light gear but and they lurk in some hard country. He described ever inch of the river like a road map and had me well and truly engrossed in his knowledge. Gave me very detailed descriptions of bass spots in Wyong as well ( although i didnt know where he meant :ranting2: )You could see his casting arm twitching as he went back in time telling the tales of giant Bass and EP and of the days when Wyong rail bridge was under water from the "big flood"

Tells me there is some good Bass in Ourimbah Creek as well, but only in certain 'spots'. Said that (this is the bit I like) "you'll get a Bass in thier alright, but only when the sun is very low in the afternoon, a thunder storm is starting to rumble and when the christmas beetles are eating the red leaves(not the green) on the paperback trees" Bloody hell ! is this guy nuts ? I dont know :huh: Told me to throw a big piece of paper bark in the water and wait. Then throw (and I quote)a "buggi pop" surface lure or equivellant at the bark and ill trap an Ourimbah Creek Bass. WOW what a tip :1yikes:

He then went on to tell me if I want big Bream in Brisi Waters to fish a fly or lure high in the water column right behind the floating debris and foam that comes in with the last part of the tide. "thats where the big fellas are " he said.

He seemed very genuine and very convincing telling tales of years ago. Gave me some very detailed info and great stories of past fishing adventures , was also pretty up to speed on current lures and plastics as well which surprised me but made me believe he wasnt a complete crackpot. I believed him anyway. I was only out for three hours and talked to this bloke for two but you just gotta love the tales of the past from an old local fisho.Dunno maybe he was a crackpot but who cares.

I know this is off topic a bit (sorry Jethro) but i had to tell the story cause its local.

Edited by Grantm
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Great report Jethro,

have you tried making some small foam poppers and casting them at the snags with your flyrod? Iv'e had some success with very small foam poppers in small creeks, heaps of fun and bream smash as well as bass off the surface and they pull just as hard or harder. Nice EP by your mate, and Grant, thats a good read.

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Grant - Great read. I could sit and listen for hours to stories like that.

There are bass in Wyong Creek but I have only ever caught them above the weir. We used to put the canoe in at a park of Alison road and fish down to the free way bridge, the weir is just on the other side.

As for Ourimbah Creek from what I here there are some cracker bass in there, but I have only ever caught small ones. There are some godd land based spots as well.

Narra - I have spun a few small deer hair poppers but never tried foam ones. I have a hard time casting anything but the smallest (15mm) poppers on a 5wt. My casting needs a bit of fine tunning.

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