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Kids And Braid

mr magoo

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hey folks thaught id let you guys know what happened monday as ive never thaught of warning my youngfella against doing this,we were catching stripies offshore when i missed a fish with the net and touched it ,it of course reacted and tore of at a rate of knots taking 40 odd metres of 6lb braid with it ,my boy grabbed the spool and had a couple of fingers above the bail arm with the braid running agianst his fingers ,i was yelling at him to let go, he was screaming as it turned he was ok nothing a bandaid wouldnt fix but i thought he was going to lose fingers ,we went home as he wanted mummy

why im posting this reece has caught plenty of good fish and has never done this before and ive never mentioned it to him nor thaught of it either

so just let your kids know that braid will cut them

cheers arman

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Good advice Arman. I'm in the same situation with Little Slinky... she's caught plenty of fish but I've never warned her about the dangers of braid. Guess what I'll be doing next time we go out??? Sharp hooks and knives are obvious but this one slipped under the radar.

Thanks for the tip mate.

Cheers, Slinky

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Take a tip from a bottom basher with diced fingers.

Nothing a bit of bicycle tube or adhesive bandage (elastoplast) wont fix.

If you have trouble with the little-uns fingers being too small for the bicycle tube then look out for the tube from a racing bicycle - much smaller diameter.

Otherwise, you all have rolls of adhesive bandage in your first aid kit.

Food for thought.



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