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Girl Catches Rock Lobster

Bruce the Postie

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G'day All '

Took the girls out for a day on the water today , after waking them up at 7am we hit the ramp just before 10 (not too bad for a 40 min trip ).

Headed out to play around between East and West reefs. We managed to pick up a couple of keepers amoungst a lot of crap. But we did manage to spot Seals, Dolphins and a BIG breaching Whale and as you would expect the girls were stoked!!!.



Had a bit of a look around Lion Island, fishing was pretty slow. So after the youngest took a couple of snaps we made our way back to Box Head for a bit of a troll for some Tailor, this proved to be fairly successful and we picked up 3 fish, not monsters but at around 1kg apiece good fun on light gear.


But then, as we were motoring past Lobster Beach, Chelsea says Dad look over there WHAT IS THAT !!!, Dad says QUICK get the net , that's a Rock Lobster Chel's,

Is it a Real one Dad, says Chelsea ?

Look's real to me.

So after some fancy net work, Chels boats herself a real live Rock Lobster ! and wasn't her big sister green with envy.


Cheers ,

Bruce :beersmile:

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Fish of the month eh ,now there's a thought !.

I'm just glad i got a picture of it when it was fresh ,because like most things that come out of the ocean they have a tendancy to shrink by the time you get them home. And true to form this one was only a shadow of it's former self within hours of capture .

Cheers ,

Bruce :beersmile:

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