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Avoca Beach Father And Son

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, just got back from Avoca Beach. My youngest of two sons Jordan and I went down for a late arvo fish and it was nice down there a light noreaster and calmish sea, we were using some beaut Hawkesbury prawns and young Jordy hooked himself a nice bream , he used his father taught skills to land him , it's a real treat to see all those hours fishing with dad not gone to waste , kept the line nice and taught rod tip up , all the little things I have shown him over the years. He posed for a photo and he chose to let him swim away and so we did. A short time later I hooked a nice salmon , he did a few leaps and then he strangely came in very easily, I sent Jordy to the waters edge to get him then he took off like a train , we had a laugh as we watched the sahara going backwards a great rate for about 30 seconds or so, he then tired himself out and I was able to lead him up the beach, another pic and he was released.

So that was our evening, great to be down the beach with Jordy and good to get a couple of fish..

Cheers,, RayR and Introducing Jordy R...




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Well done Ray & Jordy! Great looking water & even better fish! I would have loved to have wet a line with you ..... next time, eh?? Nice to get the sand in between your toes.



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