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Swr 12-14 Feb


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fished swr last weekend,

Didnt catch a lot of fish, 2 marlin and a sail, my first sail which was fantastic.

Sat - about 50 boats out on the jail grounds, probably saw around 50+ fish caught and a heap of free jumpers.

Slimeys were very hard to get, we only got two and both got nailed but didnt stay hooked up. We had a heap of yakkas but had none taken. Probably fishing too heavy as the fish seemed to be between 30-50kg. Went back to where we staying and downsized some of the gear.

Awsome weather and a great day on the water

Sun - weather a bit rougher with some wind squalls coming through in front of storms. Wind was from the SE but as you are not that far offshore it is safe enough.

At least got a couple of more slimeys. Trolled little pink squid along the wall in front of the jail for a few bonito as well. We just didnt seem to be doing things right today and struggled to get one strike for nothing.

Thats fishing

Mon - my last day! under pressure now.

Slimeys were not easy to get and got half a dozen.

Trolled south of the jail grounds as this was where the birds were doing laps with only a couple diving. Lots of bait on the sounder and saw heaps of bills and dollies in the water either jumping of chasing bait. Had one big dollie try to eat a big slimy but couldnt get it down even with him crashing the bait about 3-4 ft from the back of the boat.

After a couple of hours we got one marlin about 35kg, at least we are on the board.

Decided we would get a couple of bonito and try them. Started trolling under the jail and didnt get one until we down at green island, started to troll back from under the light house, went only a few hundred metres when the 10kg outfit gets nailed, in 14 metres of water and couple of hundred metres off the beach.

This was better fish plus 50kg, after over an hour we get this fish. At one stage a big hammer was trailing the fish but left it alone.

Because we pulled in the other bait we killed the bonito, had a couple of slimeys left so put both out.

Didnt even get the rigger set and the 15kg rod goes off, still in 15 metres of water. At first we where unsure what it was as there had been a few cobes caught, the fish breaks the surface and we can see a small bill but still unsure what it was.

A couple of jumps and it is a sail, my first one Ive had on. After 10 minutes or so we bill the sail and two of us bring it aboard for a quick photo, pulled the fish along and it revived really well and sent it on its way.

Saw beakie/changa hook a fish and took a bit of a long distance photo.

Left SWR at 7pm, got home after 11, what a weekend.




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fished swr last weekend,

Didnt catch a lot of fish, 2 marlin and a sail,


Love your work Pat. Had to laugh when I read that line. :risata: Thats like...My dream!!!! :risata:

Great report. At least you got into a few!

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Congratulations pat sounded like you worked for em but you got results in the end

and one bill makes a trip worth while.

interesting about the hammers

First time I fished up there we had 3 confirmed marlin takes as we saw the marlin smash the bait only to wind in hammers. we were convinced they were tailing the bills to pick up the scraps. your sighting seems to confirm this. Nary a bump between the bill spitting the bait and the shark picking it up too.

The word is definately out about SWR must be hard working the grounds with all those boats about. lucky the shelf and Mr blue is only 12 mile away.

Edited by allen glover
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awesome stuff guys, nice little sail.

yeah its definetly getting a few people up there.

as you say allen the shelf is only 12 mile out.

I know that its so easy from the jail, but 12 miles to the shelf is nothing

you have the chance to tangle with a 200-300kg blue. i know where i would be.

plus the fact the shelf is 35 miles here :(

at least you guys converted into fish though!

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Guest hottuna

Good report patl. i spent a week up there last year for less fish.

When livie baiting are you using j hooks? Reason i ask is because that sail has its gut hanging out of its mouth. Also you said you dropped a few fish when livie baiting, Circles will fix this problem, just need to let the fish eat it and turn before easing the lever up to strike.

Just my 2 cents

ps i`m heading up there for a week this sunday. CAN`T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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circle hooks are definetly the key. i swear by them as well.

not only better hook up rates but less harm to the fish.

drop the bait in, keep in free spool and tighten the drag a bit and your set

as i always say practice on a bucket of water with a handle.

if you try and hook up as u normally would with a j hook the hook will fly out.

but if u just pressure a bit it will always hook in the corner.

takes a bit of practice but you get used to it.

in regards to the stomach, I dont think its just from hooking, i think they have the ability to turn their stomachs inside out anyway?

if it does occur push it back in and swim them for a bit longer than normally.

p.s. bastard dan :( wish i was going up!

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We used circles, the sail disgourged its stomach right beside the boat, we tucked it back in, we then towed the fish for a while till it virtually broke free out of my hands.

We had one marlin deep hooked even though we used a circle, is this common? It was bleeding badly as it come up. This guy has been fishing for marlin for 10 years, mostly at Bermi and this was his first so he was already going to take it.

I personally dont begrudge people taking a fish every now and again, especially if it your first or some milestone etc..., even though out of the few I have caught I took one that was bleeding badly a few years ago. Even though this was my first sail I am happy with a photo.

Over the three days I was there the most boats fishing the jail grounds were about 50, some boats caught more then 2 or 3 fish each day, some boats also took every fish.

I was amazed at the amount of dead frames of bills (both marlin & sails) at both boat ramps, it was a bit of a cemetry. For the week we took a hammer (the guys I where with come from Vic and they seem to like eating shark?), a couple of dollies and one bill.

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yeah it can happen with circle hooks.

they arent fool proof!

when they get hooked deep they are a bastard to get out too.

yeah its a bit sad really

everyone knows about swr these days

and its ridciulous

people should only keep 1 per boat if they have to really keep one.

they have such a high mercury content anyway

i just hope these d**kheads dont kill it off for generations to come..

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