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Flatties & Bream On Hb


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Hi guys

I trotted the yak out yesterday to have a concentrated effort on popping & hard bodies for bream, flatties & whiting (getting some practise in for the FOrster FIshing Carnival next year :1prop: )

I stuck around the flats from just above the bridge to just opposite the Marina boatshed. Had lots of follows on the Sammy this time (Starlo's fav lure for whiting) & actually caught a small bream on it! :shock: Got my trusty Chubby out & landed 2 flatties, only kept the bigger of the flatties to take home.

I spooked a huge flattie sitting in a big sand patch in amongst the weeds - Wasn't sure if it was alive at first, as there was no effort to move as I drifted close to it. It was only when I cast the chubby over it, to try & tempt it to take it, that it spooked in a huge cloud of sand!! It was virtually the same colour as the sand & I had to look twice to see it! (sorry, no pics)

There was also a huge school of 'blue' whitebait that swirled around me for ages. Must have been a big hatch, as another lot came thru too. I was casting small surface pencils right into it, in the hope something would take it! Didn't happen.

Popping my way up the Breck Channel, I was overtaken by this guy with MAJOR wheels on it & asked him what he was about!!!


He had paddled from Brisbane & was on his way to Sydney to highlight the plight of our northern rivers - in particular the Mary - DON'T DAM IT!! When he gets to the other end of Wallis Lake, he just pops the wheels down & goes across country to Myall Lakes, paddles some more, then goes cross country to another bit until he finally reaches Sydney!

He explained that Cubby station is only taking 1% of the water & isn't the major problem causer - he reckons we've already stuffed it beyond fixing & it is now a matter of minimising further damage & maximising the use of water that we will have from here on!

you can check out his website on


He is keen to speak to any concerned groups, so if anyone wants to organise a 'meet & greet' evening in Sydney, please feel free to do so! He should be arriving at the Opera House in the next few days. He has an amazing presentation to give - he goes to schools too, making kids aware of being water savvy.



hehehe just looked at his website & he updates his trip daily ...... and guess who is now in it???


Meeee!!! He took a pic of me as I was taking a pic of him!! He has some terrific pics of his whole trip, on a daily basis.

Edited by Roberta
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Hi Loco

He surely is!!! And going cross country as well when he runs out of water!!! :1yikes:

He should be on the news in Sydney when he arrives at the Opera House. I would expect he will have a couple of 'discussion groups' regarding his cause, too


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Good on him!

Glad someone out there is having a crack, can't wait for the pollies to do something.

We really do have to change our idea's about water usage and how we treat our rivers. Our ways of the past just won't cut it anymore.

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Hi Roberta

I spooked a huge flattie sitting in a big sand patch in amongst the weeds - Wasn't sure if it was alive at first, as there was no effort to move as I drifted close to it. It was only when I cast the chubby over it, to try & tempt it to take it, that it spooked in a huge cloud of sand!! It was virtually the same colour as the sand & I had to look twice to see it! (sorry, no pics)

I am a bit disappointed that there are "no pics", because after all the great flatties you've caught lately Roberta, as well as the ones you've seen, I think you will have to mount a camera on your hat that is "voice activated". You could just shout out "big flattie" and SNAP, a good photo to share with all the Raiders. (I have a solution for everything!)

As for the bloke paddling from Brisbane, good on him! At least he was smart enough to take a picture of the "Blackie Queen" while in Forster to ensure national publicity.

One thing I love about lure fishing is the name of some of the lures - "poppers", "hard bodies", "chubbies", "pencils", "pumkin-appleseed-chocolate-spaghetti-worms" (I may have just imagined the last one). However, if you ever get bored enough Roberta, (or anyone else) I'd really like to see a photo of some of them with their name and what fish they're used for, even how you use them.

Anyway, another great report Roberta.

Thanks and cheers


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Hey Roberta

The sand patches amongst the weed banks is the #1 spot to hunt flathead on popper in summer :thumbup: It is also a great haunt for the whiting as well. The continual action of the popper required for whiting is also effective on the flatties so it all ties in nicely. :thumbup: If your looking to save a few quid, try the hawk pencils as a substitute for the Sammy. At $7.50 each ... they're cheap!

Saw your photo on the kayak site. Shame you weren't fighting a big fish at the time! :biggrin2:



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Hi Roberta, you just never know who you're gonna bump into these days, sounds like you had fun out there today, one of these days Roberta one of those big flatties is gonna latch onto your lure and tow you all over the place, I'd like to see a pic of that.. Cheers..

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Hi Roberta,

I have paid particular interest in the fact that you fish from a kayak. This has caught my attention as I am currently looking to buy a yak and I really want to get into kayak fishing. I was wondering if you or any of the other fish raiders could give some advice. I will mostly be fishing in salt water rivers around sydney. I think that I have found two that interest me the most.

1.) Prowler

2.) Hobie outback

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Roberta,

I have paid particular interest in the fact that you fish from a kayak. This has caught my attention as I am currently looking to buy a yak and I really want to get into kayak fishing. I was wondering if you or any of the other fish raiders could give some advice. I will mostly be fishing in salt water rivers around sydney. I think that I have found two that interest me the most.

1.) Prowler

2.) Hobie outback

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.



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If you want to paddle a lot, anchor up & fish occasionally, buy the prowler.

If you want to fish a lot & not 'paddle', but 'pedal' (requiring almost no anchoring) go for the Outback! Can't beat the stealth & ease of use.

However - for some more insight into yak fishing, check this post out


Then take your rod with you when you go & try out both the Prowler & the Outback! The Outback may be a bit more expensive, but keep an eye open for used ones. They do come up, but sell very quickly! Also try the Revolution - same length as the Outback, but really smart looking & sleeker.


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