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Middle Harbour Kings 25/10/08


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Hit the harbour Solo today at 3:30

Started squiddin at the usualy haunt. By sun up had 5 squid. They were very hard work again..

Water temp 17.6 so it was down from the previous weeks.

High tide was early so had No time to run for more bait.

Basically as soon as the first 2 baits were down... I am on.. First fish was a little rat. not even 60cm..

Back down again and i am on almost instantly. This time a double. Droped 1 boat side and landed the other. I kept this fish for the table.

Not long after i boated another. Let that one swim off with only a memory .

The session was fast and furious as they shut down very quickly again. There were a lot of followers all the way to the top once a fish was hooked and being dragged to the boat.

picked up the last 1 in the main harbour after being checked and Breath tested by the water police..

Also saw about 50 odd dolphins near balmoral. Great sight.

Pick of the fish that will now be dinner.. YUMMMMMMMMMM


Edited by VA911
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Good to see you have another good result on the kingfish Vince :thumbup:

What size fastnet do you have. I've got the 55cm 2metre extendable one but it feels a little heavy, must loosen off the drag and use it two handed. Also the push in pin looks a bit dodgy, might have to put a bolt thru the shoulder in case the net section comes off, any ideas about that Vince ?

Cheers mate- must do a land based squid and jew session up your way, ay.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Good to see you have another good result on the kingfish Vince :thumbup:

What size fastnet do you have. I've got the 55cm 2metre extendable one but it feels a little heavy, must loosen off the drag and use it two handed. Also the push in pin looks a bit dodgy, might have to put a bolt thru the shoulder in case the net section comes off, any ideas about that Vince ?

Cheers mate- must do a land based squid and jew session up your way, ay.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

I'm with you JG, I'm thinking about switching back to the old one that I can use one handed.These new nets seem to put a lot of strain on the handle because of the net weight and I'm just worried that it'll give way one day when I,m hauling in that monster ( the one that keeps eluding me!!).



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yeah i hate t hat net, Like you said its very heavy and when you put it in the water it has a lot of drag from the huge surface area. One positive thing is that it doesnt damage the fish scales and your hooks and squid jigs dot get stuck in it. I have to find a compromise, something larger, light weight, strong and not the old style to protect released fish and keep the hooks and jiggs from getting stuck. Its the worst thing when your on a hot King bite and you cant get your hooks out of the net.

If anyone has any suggestions please....

Oh and yeah the king was great... wassabi n soy........

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Yeh we've struggled to find a good net.

We have the normal environet and whilst its good for the fish it has really small holes in between the mesh (or whatever material it is) and the hooks get caught in there quite annoyingly so i'm still looking for a compromise.

It happened with a treble getting badly stuck when kings were busting up at my boat about a month ago :ranting2:

Nice work on the kings anyway, sounds like the rats are starting to trickle in, the madness is bound to erupt soon :biggrin2:



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