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Sydney Harbour Sesion


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Gday Raiders,

I just got my boat back from a service Friday arvo and thought I would chuck it in the water while I had it on the trailer.

Had no bait, just lures and rods, yes rods, bought a new Diawa Sol getup, thanks to Pete from Go Fish, after my last lot got stolen. Anyway, took off in Tunks Park trolled through the morings ,nothing.

Moved on to balmoral trolling once again, nothing!!! then just as I was going to give up zing!!! my CD7 got smashed by a 35cm Tailor. Love when you dont have to buy bait!!

Then zing!! another

Then zing another!!

and another!!

Three good gillsized Tailors.

By now it was dark and tide was on the run out so pulled up at a Jewie spot Ive been told about.

Butterflied a fresh Tailor and stuck it on a shimano rod (cheepy) but with a baitrunner.

Then I there was a ting, ting Zing!!! yes! Managed to get it to the boat and Yep! you guesed it another F#@king PJ 1.3m in fact. :mad3:

Never mind.... reloaded but nothing.

But through out the Sole with a piece of Taylor on it and bang! a 55cm Duskie Flathead. YUM!!

Went home stoked!

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Nice work mate, i love the days you don't have to get your hands covered in bait.

Good flattie as well, must be pretty annoying thinking you have a jewie to find its a PJ.

Better luck next time.


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Great to see the new combo is working a treat but its a shame that you had to buy it in the first place :ranting2:

I could have bumped into you today on the water as I was going to head into the main Harbour and chase the tailor that were in numbers near Kirribilli a few sundays ago. On that afternoon we easliy managed 17 good sized ones in 20mins just trolling around blindly between groups of birds , the tailor were eveywhere. Freshly cooked they tasted great.


GoFish Pete

Ye Pete, arnt the Taylors on the chow lately!! There every where.... wish they where kings though :biggrin2:

By the way good catch on the solo run a few weekends ago :thumbup:

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