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Bait Pump


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hi all

just went by the local tackle store and got a brand new bait pump

cost $37

supposed to be cheap?

thats another hole in my pocket!

now i have to find some grounds.

help would be appreciated though

around lake illawarra


cheers industry

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hi all

just went by the local tackle store and got a brand new bait pump

cost $37

supposed to be cheap?

thats another hole in my pocket!

now i have to find some grounds.

help would be appreciated though

around lake illawarra


cheers industry

Is it like this?

or an aerator like this??

Both these items can be purchased for under 20 bucks?

You can always tell the :wife: that it is the beginning of the aquarium set-up that your getting her for xmas :tease:



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I think that given he is looking for bait grounds it more than likely looks like this

But I could be wrong.

I reckon a cruise around the lake down there is bound to turn up soem flats covered in holes

Yeh, I think you're right Dave, Silly me - I thought he was looking for some "grounds" to justify to the :wife: for making the purchase? :wacko:

Long day :biggrin2:



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Yeh, I think you're right Dave, Silly me - I thought he was looking for some "grounds" to justify to the :wife: for making the purchase? :wacko:

Long day :biggrin2:



Thats because of where you live. Obviously the first thing that comes to mind for you is a luscious tropical fishing ground. Where as us poor buggers think about twenty minutes of hard yakka pumping sand through a sieve. :1prop:


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heres a cheap alternative i read about and am planing on trying it myself in the next few weeks(get some pipe and cap one end ...drill 2 holes in the cap....plunge the open end into some likely looking spots cover the 2 holes and remove....) so i will let you all know if it works...as it would make an extremely cheap alternative...

cheers flatty hunter


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hmmm could be but not sure ....guess i better hurry up and get it on the water for a test:P..

It looks all right but you might need a pneumatic sledge hammer to drive it in and a long handled butterfly net to catch the flying nippers with. :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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