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Freshwater Impoundments Starting To Fire


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G'day Raiders,

It's been a while since I last posted or actually even caught a fish. After a number of zero results in the last few months I finally decided to drag the boat to the dam one more time. I had heard of a lot of good catches in the last few weeks so, I took my 4yo fishing buddy and a mate and we weren't dissapointed.

All up we landed 9 very nice sized yellow belly and one silver perch. Other blokes were boasting about big cod and one reckoned he'd caught and released 14, with one 30lb'er. Closed season so all were released and they bagged out on their yellow's. Baits and lures working well.

Split Rock Dam and and Lake Keepit both going off at the moment. It has been a long cold lull but worth the wait.

BTW. I can't stand all this kingy action so I'm dragging my boat the 500ks to Sydney Harbour to visit my old haunts. Will be on the water from 08/11 >> 15/11. Lookout for the "Hood'lum". :1prop:

Here is a pic of a good one my daughter got. I had to hang onto her pants so she didn't go over the side. One of the few fish we've caught in the fresh that actually put up a good fight. Guess about 4-5lb. Just came off the bbq. Yummo!! Fed 5. :beersmile: She loves handling worms, yabbies or other yuck stuff but.......... slimy fish

See You out there.


Edited by Brian
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G'day Brian.

Nice fish and good report. Sounds like you had a great session. That look on the daughters face was similar to yours when your gaff broke on that big Kingy in the harbour two years ago. See you in Sydney! Cant wait. Chappoooooo

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G'day Brian.

Nice fish and good report. Sounds like you had a great session. That look on the daughters face was similar to yours when your gaff broke on that big Kingy in the harbour two years ago. See you in Sydney! Cant wait. Chappoooooo


Thanks for reminding me of that MATE, you've still never REALLY said anything about that. I'm so keen I can sense the bite from here!!!!!!! See you next week.


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