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Jewie Envy


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Just a quick one,

Fished the beach last night while the better half was on secret womens business. Conditions looked very good and hopes were high. Used squid, salted salmon and pillies on a 3 rod spread to begin and managed a good salmon on the pillie. That took care of fresh bait for the night and a good feed for the cat. After that, it was slow going. The only excitement was a largish wobby which was at least a change from the other shite species I have been getting, the lousy PJ. Also bagged a shovel-nose.

There was a fella down the way who looked like he had pulled something in. I hauled out lines at about 12.30 and went up to see how he went. It turned out to be a keen young fella who fishes the beach regularly and i have come to know him this last year. He had done very well in deed and had two shiny torpedoes lying on the sand- the largest looking a solid 12kegs.

The other action for the night was the boneheads who bought their ute onto the beach with its mega spotlights turning night into day only to get themselves bogged. They took a good 2 hours to dig/tow it out of there and had a visit from the boys in blue, hopefully armed with a ticket book and pen.


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Bad luck Humesy, can't stand the feeling when people around you get into them and you don't, just thinking what the hell am i doing wrong?

At least you got some action though. Which beach were you at?



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Bad luck Humesy, can't stand the feeling when people around you get into them and you don't, just thinking what the hell am i doing wrong?

At least you got some action though. Which beach were you at?



It hurts hey but I can't begrudge this guy at all; he's too nicer bloke. We met one night when I arrived on the beach with my rods to find him solidly hooked up. He pulled in a nice 10kg jewie and then let me fish beside him 5 minutes later it was my turn. He got another 5 minutes later so we had a bonding experience.

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