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The Iceman

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After dropping off youngest daughter to an all day birthday party I took Icegirl for a fish in the boat at Chipping Norton lake Was a late start and didnt get on the water till just after nine

Along the first run flicking 2in gulp worms on hidden weight jigheads one small flattie was landed couple of minutes later I hooked what I thought was a good bream but after about 10min I finally got a look and to my surprise it was a big mullet that went 47cm finally got it in the net after a couple more deep runs

Worked a couple of more banks for nothing then decided the best way to get Icegirl a fish was to troll an SX40 not long after starting she caught a small tailor and then a little bit later a bream

The tide was just about right to hit a spot I knew could hold EPs so a change of lures to 2in pumpkinseed grubs on 1/16th jigheads and off we went

They were there and Icegirl got her first EP not very big and the pic is a shocker if only I could get her to hold a fish We caught about 6 all small ones and then couldnt find the school again

So home for lunch it was






Edited by The Iceman
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Well done Andrew and ICE girl :thumbup: your lovely daughter stands their patiently waiting for her dad to get the right shot and what happens?? you blow it :074:

Next time Andrew get it right or ICE Girl will have to get a proffessional photographer :tease:

What was the water temp like up there Andrew ???

Cheers Stewy

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Havent got temp on my sounder Stewy but it felt up around the 18-19 degrees Bream are very quiet I reckon there is still quite a bit of fresh in it

Gave it a go last sat as well with Hooky and only got two bream only two bites we got

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Not to sure about next sunday now Mitch but will probably still fish it need a change of tactics I reckon

Tasted the water and it was fresh on top Could be bream a bit deeper than we fished

A decent downpour with water coming over the weir and it just pools in the lake and takes ages for it to disperse

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A decent downpour with water coming over the weir and it just pools in the lake and takes ages for it to disperse

Your 100% right andrew, what you want is no rain between now and next week, otherwise it's a hard slog for some quality bream. :1fishing1:

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Sounds like a nice session with Tessa, Andrew :thumbup: Its always good to see the kids getting new PBs; especially on lures. I couldn't tell you if the fish are biting down herre at the moment ... too bloody windy! :mad3:

That is a terrific photo of the mullet, Tessa. Well done! :thumbup:



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