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G'day raiders

Went down the nepean with a mate to give this mullet fishing a crack. Landed this freshwater mullet (my first) down by the weir and also two smaller bully mullet further up. My mate picked up two good size freshwater mullet also. Pretty enjoyable session and gee they go alright for their size..

Sorry about the close up, it's a terrible head. The mullet I mean.




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great mullet. I fish down the weir myself. There are some big mullet down there. Alsp, some huge carp as well!

Small question....

are those freshwater mullets good eating? i mean do they taste better than the deep sea mullets?..

cheers :)

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I have family up at Glenbrook, so next time I come up i'll pack the rod and take a look.

I have done some lure fishing down near Penrith before and got some bass, but what style/bait would you suggest for the mullet and carp?

Thanks in advance!!


Edited by Jonas77
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I have family up at Glenbrook, so next time I come up i'll pack the rod and take a look.

I have done some lure fishing down near Penrith before and got some bass, but what style/bait would you suggest for the mullet and carp?

Thanks in advance!!


Hey John

Mate I find corn works best if you're just targetting carp, I usually use a sinker with the bait sitting on the bottom as carp are predominately bottom feeders but you can use a float - i have seen them feeding off the surface. Soft dough for mullet with a float. That's about it. Other people may have different ideas, I've heard lucheon meat (only ever caught eels with that option), worms etc


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the ONLY way to eat them is skin them, and fillet them, then soak the skinless fillets in cider vinegar skin side down for about 1 hour, when you pull them out, the vinegar will have drawn the dirty taste out of them and basically bleaches them. rinse the fillet under fresh water then fry them and they taste OK. most of the muddy taste is between the skin and flesh so by removing the skin, it straight away improves the taste slightly and alows the vinegar to work - however unless you soak them they still taste like shit!!

Trust me it works!


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