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First Time On A Charter


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Just went on my first ever charter and all I can say is that I am glad I got to go.

Left Gunamatta warf at 6.30am and strated to troll down to Mali beach for nothing, but stopped to bottom bash for a couple of hours. As this was the first time I have ever been able to do this it was fun. We got some red rock cod, i got my first ever maori wrasse and a few other species including a couple of hard pulling trevs. We also saw a couple of sharks swimming around for a feed. After that we went to the flathead gronds near Gary beach and did a few drifts for about 10 or so flatties. We then decided to troll for some tuna on the way home and got a good size stripey for our troubles. All in all a really good day out with a profesional mob and some good company. Maybe some pics of scenery to follow.

P.s is there anywhere that a person could bottom bash for these species with out having to go outside of the heads?? Coz my boat is too small for the trip out there.


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Hi Chris. Sounds like a good trip and a few "firsts" for you. :thumbup:

That's the same area I've fished the last couple of trips, but it seems you had more luck than we did. As I said in my report yesterday, we only managed four keeper flathead. Most we pulled on board were undersize. We couldn't find anything trolling either, so well done on the stripey.

That area from Marley to Garie is a beautiful part of the coast alright. It's just a pity we couldn't find more fish. Looking forward to seeing some photos.



Edited by peterS
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i went on a charter out there back in may and had a great day also.

We got a stripey on the way out, then bottom bashed/drifted and got a couple of small snapper, a pig fish and about 80 leather jackets. made for a good feed. leather jackets may be boring to fish for but one of my favourites to eat!

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