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Cockle Creek 20/2


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I'd planned to fish Cockle Creek (Bobbin Head) Saturday morning in a mates kayak, but unfortunately when I went to pick it up on Friday night the roof racks didn't fit mine, so thankfully Dave was able to drop it round for me on Sat arvo. Worked out ok, because I think I would have fried being on the water Sat morning.

So woke up Sunday morning to the sound of rain and thought bugger it, may as well go as I'll probably get wet anyway. Loaded everything up, and was on the water by about 10am. Not raining at this point, so things were looking good. That was until I tipped it over getting in it. :1prop: Now I was soaked.

First real fishing session in a kayak, so it was pretty much a research trip, just exploring and getting my set-up's right. Paddled up as far as I could. A section of mainly boulders and rocks stopped any further progress. Was getting a lot bites on a 3" watermellon bm, but couldn't see what they were. Water was quite muddy after all the rain. One log seemed to be attracting most of the bites, so perservered here a bit longer and finally managed a nice little Bream. Probably just under legal, but still nice to have something in the boat so to speak. Very little current so was basically just drifting in the breeze. Very pleasant. Managed to boat another bream a tad bigger, but then things went quiet, so time to start back.

Tide was pretty much dead low at this stage, so had to drag a couple of times. Saw heaps of what I'm pretty sure small choppers chasing small bait schools around. Again plenty of bites, but no hookups. Switched to a 2" version to see if I could convert this bites. Managed 2 choppers about 20cm, and a whiting about the 25cm mark.

Once I got back to the ramp, thought I'd have one last cast before I packed up the gear, and landed another bream just under legal. Funny old day weather wise. What looked like was going to be a washout, and I end up getting sun burnt.

No pics as I didn't want to risk dunking the camera :1prop:


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