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What Is Your Favourite Place To Fish?


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Thought i'd start up a thread about

a)Where your favourite you fished and what the highlight was and

b)Where you would most like to fish but you haven't yet.

I'll kick it off.

Favourite place so far would be the outer Reef off Dunk Island where i got my 50lb GT.

Place i most want to fish is the Coral Sea onboard Nomad so hopefully i can get a 50kg GT :biggrin2:


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I'm hoping that after the Christmas Holidays Bermagui will be my favourite place to fish. Will mean we have had a great trip!

So far my favourite place to have fished has been Broome. Awesome fish to be had up there, loved it.

I'd love to fish Lord Howe Island. Everything I've read and seen looks great, one day.

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For some reason I had not thought of a pre-work fish. I will have to give that a go alhtough i fear I will never get to work lol..

But for me, Port Hacking too. So close to home and yet challenging to find the good fish. Cant get over the clarity and cleanliness of the water once past lilli pilli on a good day either.

Port Hacking River between 5am and 7am on a weekday summer morning.

I would love to fish Papua New Guinea.


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its got to be the harbour and nelson bay for me

but would love to fish the fads or outer reefs of sydney if my boat was alittle bigger

or i had another raider who was keen for me to tag along for safty its 16.5 ft half cabin 70 yammy

if anyones keen PM me



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Saltwater: Jervis bay for sure!!! All my main fish have been landed from this area. Highlight, tuna from the stones...

Freshwater: Murrumbidgee river for the tackle smashing Murry cod. highlight 45lb on a stumpjumper.

Would love to get up north for GT's .....

Edited by high_speed_metal
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Favourite place to fish is my own back yard - Tuross Lake/River :thumbup:

Would love to chase PNG Black Bass :biggrin2:


My father in law was in PNG during and just after the war. He used to tell stories about Black Bass and spotted tail bass. But he used hand grenades a lot (he had photos that were quite clearly proof).

I think now they prefer you to use rod and reels.


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