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Apple Tree Bay (lower Cowan Creek)


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Had an early start, arriving around 4:30 am at a good fishing spot near bobbin head in the lower hawksbury - cowan creek system.

With our hearts set on Flatheads, bream, tailor and whiting this trip turned out to be interesting

Were constantly bombarded with tiddlers and snapper just not big enough, returning them with a disappointed look on our faces.

To break the chain of disappointment, my mate eddy_7 catches this monster whiting! a good 30cm modelwhich puts us to shame (photos at bottom) correction! 36cm

After catching many good sized leatherjackets we decided to use them as bait. I managed to get some good fillets from them but decided it would only be the fish who would feast on these tasty critters. Was an effective bait, because it sticks on to the hook well, is moderately attractive to the fish and also because it keeps for a long time.

After an hour or so of C&Ring baby bream, catfish?, whiting leather jackets, and other small tiddlers we were givin some nippers from a kind stranger.

This is my first time using live nippers and mate they were good. Caught lots of 20+cm leather jackets and a 25cm bream. When returning to cast to where there are generally bigger fish, we found we had run out of these "nippers" and so had to go back to the prawn supply.

All in all a good day, a solid 6 or 7 hours of fishing. Lots of annoying kids about but its all good, saw one of them catch a 28cm bream and accidently let it go! too bad for the kid hey!

Decided not to eat most of the fish caught in that area over time as i'm pretty sure there might be a sewerage or storm water run off close by

Does anyone know if it is safe to eat catches from close to the jeti / boat ramps?






Edited by hawksburydave
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Hi hawksburydave

Nice little landbased session.

Where is Apple tree bay ??

Apple tree bay is accessible via car from bobbin head, from either Turramurra or Mt Colah. Beware on the way down as there are alot of cowboys who drive quickly around dangerous corners, plus multitudes of mad cyclists.

edited original post so theres abit extra info about the location

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