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Oyster Bay Boxing Day


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Hit Oyster Bay this morning for the first time in over a year. Trolled one of two new SX40s around and over a few hours picked up a few undersized bream and flathead and managed 4 keepers; 3 identical triplets @43cm and a better fish of 51cm. All flatties hit one particular colour SX40 when the yak was almost stalled and all but one inhaled the lure after tentative takes and swam along for a while. Buj switched to a similar colour and landed a couple straight away. I also hooked a large stingray with a girth of about 50cm. :1yikes: For the first 5 minutes of the fight I thought I was onto the mumma of all lizards until I saw the disc-like body finally come up to the surface. I didn't want to lose a new SX40 so I towed the ray into a sandy waterfront and slid it up onto the beach. At this point I was armed with my pliers to attempt the lure removal from the front of it's snout but on approach its 90cm tail started whipping around and over its body in both directions landing the barb about 30cm in front of it. :action-smiley-073: Luckily the treble straightened and I pushed the old girl back into the water with a 10 foot pole :egrin: Thoughts of Steve Irwin did cross my mind and I'm glad I didn't try to remove the lure next to the yak. Sorry about the pic but I'm using the :wife: camera atm(mine is out of battery) and it's not allowed out in the field so cutting board pics before the filleting are my only choice.

Cheers, Rob


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Well done Rob - nice flatties!! Particularly well done on not losing your SX40s!! Which colour worked today?? Glad you got your lure back from the stingray too! :1yikes: I've been stung by one & it is not pleasant!



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