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Keeping Fresh Caught Squid Alive Overnight


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There's a spot within walking distance from where I live that I can catch some squid. I was thinking of trying to keep some alive overnight for fishing with the next morning.

I have a bait bucket with an airator. Has anyone tried this before with any success?

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It will work. Keeping squid in a bucket with a airator but its dependant upon several factors,

1. Size of the bucket and volume of water

2. Size, capacity, etc of airator

3. Size of the squid

I have keep several small 15cm or less squid alive in a bucket, in the garage overnight for a session next morning but it depends upon the above factors. Too big a squid and too little air and the squid it will die. You will figure it out as you go, depending upon what you use,bucket, airator etc.


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I got a bit obsessed by doing exactly this last year made a contraption that worked out of a plastic clothes linen bin and plastic gauze lining. Drop a brick in the bottom and tie it to something solid and it worked just fine.

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I have done it successfully. The most important factor in keeping them alive is actually water temperature. If you have an aerator that is usually enough for water quality (provided the squid has settled down and not inked itself) but if the water in the bucket gets too hot then the squid will die. Same thing goes for baitfish. Depending on how hot the night is, you might need to cool the bucket down with whatever you can. I'm thinking of trying river water ice cubes, but in the past we have also just thrown a frozen bottle of water into the bucket for a while unopened. Hard to do while you sleep tho...

You're probably better off getting up early to be honest :P Fish are easier.

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Thanks guys, some good tips there. I might try leaving the submerged gauze-covered bucket at the spot where I catch them and then just swing by and pick up the squid on the way out next morning. The advantage of doing that is not having to worry about water temp, squid inking itself etc.

Cheers again for the tips!

There's a spot within walking distance from where I live that I can catch some squid. I was thinking of trying to keep some alive overnight for fishing with the next morning.

I have a bait bucket with an airator. Has anyone tried this before with any success?

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