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Strange Catch


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fished mona vale rocks today and caught 6 blackies and 1 drummer about 1kg very happy

the strange catch was as i was playing a blackie it got a sudden burst of energy so i thought it was a drummer when it got closer to the rocks it looked like i picked up some kelp as well as the blackie which would have explained the extra weight turned out to be a 1kg squid with its tentecals wrapped around a 35cm blackie :1yikes: and it would not let go even as i washed the fish in with a wave thought i had it but let go when the wave receded :ranting2:

anyway that was a first for me

peter :1fishing1:

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Had a similar thing at my local rocks. Playing a blackfish when suddeenly it stops about 3 metres out from me in shallow rocky ground. I wade out and free it from the rock to see it's picked up a lump of weed. Haul it in to see a small wobbegong shark attached that didn't let go till I got it up onto dry rock.

Many years ago a large shark at one of the northern beaches rock platforms was biting our fish in half. One day it swam up over the rock we were standing on chasing a fish we were landing. The rock only had water on it when a wave washed over. The shark was a bit over 2 metres long!


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At that moment I think I would have produced a steady stream of brown berley and called it a day!


Had a similar thing at my local rocks. Playing a blackfish when suddeenly it stops about 3 metres out from me in shallow rocky ground. I wade out and free it from the rock to see it's picked up a lump of weed. Haul it in to see a small wobbegong shark attached that didn't let go till I got it up onto dry rock.

Many years ago a large shark at one of the northern beaches rock platforms was biting our fish in half. One day it swam up over the rock we were standing on chasing a fish we were landing. The rock only had water on it when a wave washed over. The shark was a bit over 2 metres long!


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Now I've heard it all, Peter!! I once had a jewie grab a blackie & a flattie & bream grab a weed bait but never a squid grab a blackie! Shame he got off ...... at that size it would have made great calamari! :1badmood:

Cam is back home today - you may see him sneak down sooner or later!



Edited by Roberta
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