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Georges River 24/1

Little Hooker

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hey raiders,

Heading out late with the misses and a mate to get some prawns for some bait to do abit of fishing.

After hittin a few spots with no such luck i arrive to a place with some signs of life on the sonar so decided to camp there for the run out tide.

About 6am and the sunlight showed its self the fish were on the bite. Landed a 20cm perch, few 30cm tailor, 2 breams, 45cm flattie and lost a massive fish. Im calling it a jew as it did a blistering run with heads shakes for a good 40mtrs then finally snag it self!!! heart broken but am cheering to see heaps of fish in this river system these days..

I be heading back there tonight to try my luck again for that fish that got away!





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Some nice fish and prawns there i hope i get some fish will be fishing there landbased 2morro If no fish :ranting2: no more georges river for atleast a month

The fish which busted you sounds more like rays thats about the only thing i catch there huge run and sometimes get headshakes then snag Got a estimate 15kg ray on thursday and one a bit smaller Wingspan would have been 1.5 m's Also called it for jew but a guy fishing next to me told me if the head shakes start in the first run its ray jews shake when they have no more energy for runs and are giving up


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A.dawg, You jus shattered my dreams of catchin a big jew in this river system!!! hahaha but it still wont stop me tryin again for the jew or ray...

I headed out to the same place for australia day and landed coulpe of bigger bream. 33 and 34cm and a few more keepers under that size. Had a few bites early in the morning but very slow in the arvo maybe due to the fact of so much boats in the water??!?!


post-6068-1233022191_thumb.jpg drowned some fresh prawns with XO coganc then boiled to eat with noodles for breaky sure was different but it went down nicely. :thumbup:

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thanks fellas

outfisher, umm yeah i know her or she wouldnt be on my boat.. lol! how do you know her??

mondo, im pretty sure its a bream jus cause of that shot they look like tarwine.


this is the same fish posted in the thread... im sure its a silver bream?? unless ive gotten it wrong for me life... :(

Edited by Little Hooker
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