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Narooma - January 2009


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We are just back from 2 weeks of family holiday at Narooma, with some mixed fishing results.

Unfortunately the first week was quite windy with some big swells, meaning the bar was too rough for my conservative liking (at least the kids got a lot of biscuiting & skiing done on Corunna Lake).

Several short sessions out around Montague yielded little in the way of keepers, and reports from other fishos were that the Kingies were hot one day, and cold the next but mostly undersized whatever the day provided. Fortunately a reliable flatty drift off the end of the bar generally gave us enough in the esky so we didn't return to the camp red-faced.

The inlet was fishing quite poorly with only a few flatties between 35-40cm falling prey to our charm although one good sized snapper was also landed from the inlet (as well as scores of the world tiniest pinkies).

Spent a day outside at Bermagui, now forever to be known as flatty country because that was the bulk of our haul that day out - lucky we like eating them!! We were fortunate to come into the harbour not long after the Earthracer docked there, so got a nice close look at this amazing vessel!

With the holiday due to finish, and the weather and seas looking good, we put in a last ditch effort, had the boat on the water and across the bar before dawn and out to Montague and Auginish Rock fishing a combination of livies and bait. Well, the Kingies were certainly on, but sadly mostly undersized, and the pesky seals were in attendance - it's frustrating to throw a 63cm Kingy back and have it instantly nabbed by a seal. After returning 12 or so to the water we were able to land a nice 71cm Kingy in one piece from a live bait, but then lost several others and a nice snapper to the seals before even getting them near the boat. A slight change in location saw some nice Trevally and Mowong in the esky, so we returned to camp happy and with the Kingy drought broken :thumbup:

Mmmm, fish for tea tonight :biggrin2:




Edited by Holmesie
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Nice report mate, I was down at bermagui for the long weekend.. Picked up a couple of flattys.... terrible from last year I averaged around 20 flathead around 4 hours.... Water was pretty bad in the lake.. and heard a couple reports of marlin been caught out wide.

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