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Epirb , New Reg's 1/4/09


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Thought I would post this seperatly as it may be lost in my previous Epirb post.

Spoke with MSB this morning. Legisation has not yet been passed requiring all boaters , regardless of size , outside 2nm to carry an Epirb.

Legisation is now being prepared with a planed implemation date of 1/4/09. There was indication there will be a short grace period after the 1/4/09

MSB will be updateing their web site in the near future with all the information

There will also booklet available ( specific date unknown) listing current & new requirements. MSB are not at this time planning to do a mail out.

Copies will be available from MSB offices or will be available by mail by calling MSB


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geoff from what i heard a while ago your on the money there....

i heard that the powers that be asked the major manufacturers to be prepared for the huge demand so there was not the backlog of orders we had a while ago....

i think this is a good move even though it means another lot of $$ spent to keep on the water...

whats that acronym again ....... Bring On Another Thousand......


Edited by roosterman
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Hey Steve they still have backorders now , they have no idea of demand and are manufacturing to order as it is a mystery as to how many boats go offshore and how many have already bought there's or another brand EPIRB. The manufacturers have never had it so good and are creaming it

Nice for the Authorities to inform the manufacturers but not the public.

Thanks for the update and we will probably no more about exact implementation dates when the legislation actually goes to Parliament and is passed. I personally think it should not be enacted ubtil Sept this year at the earliest and non of this ït's the law but we'll let you off" education on the water. They can mail us a notice in the next 9 months and the manufacturers can get their act together/


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