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Big Fat Flathead


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Went out yesterday armed with some nice poddy mullet to chase my favourite species - the humble flathead. Hit the water at 6am and had a few early hook-ups around 35cms. Then a major hook-up and my 4lb braid heads west at a fast heavy pace over about 5 feet of sand. Try and stop it and turn it's head but it was impossible and ping! 12lb trace breaks and flattie is gone.

Moped around and spoke with my mate about how big it would have been and popped out another nice poddy mullet. A school of tailor demolished a number of poddy mullet till finally another solid hook-up. I said not as big as the last one but still decent. Pulled her up after a few nice runs and saw the hook was not in the mouth but she was hooked under the chin. Very carefully netted in the enviro net and measured at exactly 70cm. Released in good condition and back at the ramp at 10am with no keepers but still happy as it is a new pb for me.

Here she is:


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