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Stacer Stability?


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Hi guys, if anyone from Huet can give me a little bit advice on my Stacer it would be great.

Last year my Wife and I bought a 2nd hand Stacer 565 Bowrider 2003 model. The boat is near new to look at and we have no prblems with it at all, however! There seems to be a problem when we are under power with stability.

My Wife weighs only 50 odd Kgs and I'm bordering 90gs. When I'm driving and even when my Wife is in the centre of the vessel, it tends to heel over to port quite noticeably.

I have checked and double checked weight distribution etc regarding the heeling problem but dont seem to be able to rectify it.

If there is anyone who has any idea on how to fix the problem I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm not looking at spending money on electric stabilisers however if fixed stabilisers is the answer then I will go down that path.

Thanks for any advice Raiders!


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i had the same prob as you have mentioned there is a little rudder on the donk that can be adusted to counter act this prob

only make small agustments as it is very sensitve also check and play with your trim

after getting a sevice from huewy he also lowered the donk as it was set up wrong from brand new

wish i had off purchased it from him as this was one off many little things that were wrong

cherrs gary

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Hi Troy, as Gary mentioned you could experiment with the trim tab on the AV plate if you outboard has one. What engine is on the back, I would be guessing a V6 Merc/Mariner and you want to make sure it is on straight and also at the right height.

Stacer with the EVO hull do not need trim tabs on the hull if set-up correctly and if you have no luck organise with us to meet me down at the Hawkesbury one day, I usually run a boat 3 or 4 times a week, and I can see what it is doing.



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Thanks for the feedback Gary and Huey. I'm currently O.S. at the moment but I can get my Father In-Law to meet up with you Huey.

I did adjust the little wing when we first realised a problem but maybe I'm going the wrong way or I need to adjust it a little more!

Thanks again,


P.S: Love the boat, my wife and I use it for skiing, diving, and fishing. Iv'e kitted it out with a removeable live bait tank that works a treat as well as the Scotty Downrigger. New Attwood Stainless rod holders.

Yep, cant fault her all bar the trim. But this sounds like an easy fix,

Thanks again.

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Some boat hulls aren't straight and cause this issue, happens more in plate boats at production than production boats but can possibly happen.. Damage which has changed the shape of the planing surface near the transom. Sometimes caused by striking sandbanks objects in the water or as simple as strapping down too tight on badly adjusted trailer. Bent skegs can also be a contributer to the issue so a fair few simple things to check out as suggested above. Some prop styles can often lead to more boat lean as well and canopies as well acting as a airfoil ( took us a while to work that one out)

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I have a similar problem with my Stacer 4.8 bowrider of the same vintage, will have to try adjusting the keel a bit more too, next time I am out. Meant to get Huey to look at it last time was serviced but forgot.

I am looking at a removeable bait tank but room is an issue and dont wont to make any holes until I looked about and saw how others had done and what works/doesnt. I would appeciate any advice or if you have any photos etc and any comments about good/bad aspects.

I have been pleased with the Stacer too (though I wish I had got a larger one, lol).



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Hi Steve, send me an e-mail to riderzx10r05@yahoo.com.au and I will forward you fotos of my set up and how to isolate different metals to prevent galvanic corrosion.

It works really well, I'm stoked with the set up, never had a fish die on my watch, ha, ha!


Thanks Troy, email sent.

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Probably not your problem but a mate of mine fitted a foil to the leg of his honda powered Stacer (4.8) and it turned the boat into an absolute dog downsea with unpredictable but regular broaching (port and starboard). The foil was fitted as per manafacturers instructions and outboard hieght was correct.

I fitted the same brand foil to my Haines 445F at the same time and it was magic, not affecting the up or downsea stability at all but giving a much lower planing speed (the desired result).

Maybe worth a look if you have a foil unbolt it and give it a try.



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Hi Dave, we fitted a foil to the leg after a few outings made us decide to go down that route mainly because we couldn't get on the plane early enough. The foil fixed the planing problem but we still heel over at speed. I think I will fettle with the fin some more and see how we go.

Cheers, Troy

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