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Friday Afternoon Spin


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Decided to end the week with a quick spin in some deeper water. Got on the water with KFISH01 approximately 6:30pm and had just over an hours worth of daylight to play with.

Had a great session with a mix of species being caught. The highlight I thought was that we ended up boating 4 legal snappers !


Mick with a legal red.

As me and mick were sitting there talking n jigging our lures my Procaster nearly flew out of my hands and reel went for a quick scream and pulled out this ripper trevally.


Heres a snapshot of one of the Breams caught.


All in all a great afternoon, with a total of 4 Legal Reds, 2 Trevas, 2 flat heads and two Bream all above legal size.

Cheers All,


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