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Rose Hill Boat Show


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Any Raiders going to the boat show this weekend , 14th / 15th

Only on for 2 days this year but both the parking & entry is free

I'll be going , plan to arrive around 9.00 Saturday hopefully get a good parking spot


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No wonder it's free entry. If it's anything like last year, they should pay you to come in! My son and I went last year and was very disappointed. Not very many brands or accessories on show. We saw the whole thing in about 30 minutes. I suspect that their changing so high a price to the exibitors for floor space, that it's not worth tuning up.



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Any Raiders going to the boat show this weekend , 14th / 15th

Only on for 2 days this year but both the parking & entry is free

I'll be going , plan to arrive around 9.00 Saturday hopefully get a good parking spot


I'll be going to check it out, but I heard from someone in the industry that the organisers are charging an astronomical amount to the exhibitors to exhibit there (I think he said $14,000) As a consequence, my source said a lot of potential exhibitors have decided it's not worth it, and not to expect too many bargains as the exhibitors will need to recoup their outlay and turn a profit. However, given the state of the industry, there may well be exhibitors who are offering good deals to turn over old or superceded stock.

I am a also a member of another fishing forum which is more Qld based and it would appear from comments on that board that the Brisbane Tinny & Tackle Show (which is on 20-22 March) attracts similar criticism as some of the earlier posters in this thread. However that show costs around $14 entry + parking+ outrageous markups on the food & refreshments available. At least Rosehill is free.


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Just back from the show and it's much bigger than previous years with the lower floor filled as well as out the back, lot's of boats from very small to very big glass or plate jobs. If you want boats go but nothing in the way of tackle or accessories for sale. Most of the bid dealers are there,Huett, Hunts, Shorts etc , few big Trailercraft I'm sure you could negatate a good price as the manufacture closed down. Buger all if your not actually wanting to buy a boat.

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I went today & was quite impressed with the range of boats on display (my son also managed to pass his junior boat license test which was an added bonus).

One brand which really caught my eye was Ranger Tugs. They had two on display and they were like luxury caravans for the water instead of the road. I could quite happily spend serious quality time on the larger one which at just over $300,000 seemed very good value.

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Arrived just on 9.00 , met up with a mate & we wondered around. Sat in on the super tank show even at 10.00 is had a lot of interest with most seats taken. Had seen it before but always interested to see how the different luers opperate.

Spent some time talking to the folk on the Coast Guard & Coastal patrol stands. Ended up joing the Coast guard a an associate member.

Asked why is there 2 organisations . The officer outlined some of the history but as they both perform similar functions , aparently the goverment is currently considering joining the two together. No indication on timeing.

Spoke with a few dealers , one of which I know quite well . He had a stand with 8 boats inside & indicated the cost was $2700.00. That's not too bad , sell one boat & most of the cost is recovered.

Overall it is a regional show , mainly for trailerboats & for those shopping for a new boat in that catagory a good oportunity to see a good range under one roof , so to speak.

The show was well suported by the industry but I would like to see an area alocated that focuses on electronic products.


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I went on Sunday. I'm fairly new to boating having recently got my license and not yet having a boat I found it rather exciting :biggrin2:

Looked at some boats within my price range, checked out what the finance deals were like and came away with a much better idea of what a decent boat costs (less than I thought - had no firm idea previously).

Didn't pick one up - still in the 'I don't want to rush such a big decision yet' stage. But it was a good afternoon out :)

Any Raiders going to the boat show this weekend , 14th / 15th

Only on for 2 days this year but both the parking & entry is free

I'll be going , plan to arrive around 9.00 Saturday hopefully get a good parking spot


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