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40 Min Popper Fun

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I had to go check a few repairs that had to be done on a house we are buying in Tarbuck Bay (Smiths Lake). There is a spot that I have been wanting to give a good try(fished once before with only one hook up but no fish).

So after I had been to the house I stopped for a quick fish before lunch with my usual 3 year old companion.


Tarbuck Bay


The spot fished

Fished for about ten minutes with plastics with only a few tiny nibbles. So I decided to give the Poppers I bought yesterday a go (3 for $9.95-Surebite Poppers). I tied on the clear looking one. Second cast and I'm on and land this fellow


22cm first fish on a popper

Next cast and with three little bloops and a pause the water erupted with a leaping fish. One of the coolest moments I have had fishing. The fish jumped again and had me puzzled as to what it was. Then I saw it a nice looking flatty.


42cm he decided to have a little dance as the camera went off.

The next 20min saw me land two more bream.


28cm this one didn't want to come to the shore and put up a nice little fight.


Another 22cm one.

By now the little fella was ready to go home so we left. So glad i decided to give the popper a go. I am in love- dont tell the :wife: haha

The other good thing is that when we move into the house, is that this spot is only about 500m away from the front door step. :1fishing1:

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Gee that's a nice catch on low priced poppers Slicendice... when the house is ready I reckon you'll have a lot of fun with these poppers in the early mornings when you suss out all the good the spots...

Nice report mate and I'll bet you'll have a bit of female company bringing yaks down from Forster to fish poppers in Smiths Lake too.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I'm jealous mate. I love Smith's lake. We go camping there at least once a year usually more. Although shallow the fishing can be great with mostly flathead and bream on plastics. I am going camping there in a few weeks and intended to give popers a thrash so your report has got me twitching already.

I'm thinking it would be a great place to retire so hopefully it stays underdeveloped over the next 20 years.

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You have discovered a very successful and affordable popper, particularly in that color! :thumbup::thumbup:

That popper has accounted for a huge amount of bream for site members over the last 18 months. Well done on a top session mate. Sounds as though they will be a regular occurrence for you! :yahoo:



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Jealous jealous jealous :1prop:

I am sooooooooooooooooo sceptical of the whole popper thing. I have 2 now and have flagged sand flats, rivers and esturies for 1 crappy tailor. Never felt like I was going to catch anything lol !

I am going to give them ONE last try then gonski :1fishing1:

BTW bought one of them sugarpenn lures...........no luck so far.


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Hi Spanker,

I've only been using poppers this summer, but usually manage a couple of bream a session and sometimes a whiting. Try the 35mm River to Sea Bubble Pops. I've had much more success in Sydney with those than anything else. Fish early morning or evening until dark. If you are fishing flats you need ripple on the water or the fish are very spooky. I usually wade out and cast with the wind, retrieving against the ripple helps keep the line tight and makes it much easier to get the right popping action. I use a very short sharp flick to kick the splash up about 10-20cm and just repeat this in a bit of a rhythm with pauses every now and then. A long dragging bloop just doesn't seem to work where I fish. If you are in Sydney and want to get together for a landbased surface session send me a PM.



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