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Hi Raiders,

I went fishing last weekend at Northern side of Port Kembla wall ( thanks to Lala for the info) and had a ball catching baitfish (slimies). I was beautiful day in a very nice fishing spot, however, I notice that rubbish are all over the place left behind by inconsiderate fishos, I end up taking bagful of rubbish with me, mind you I can only picked up those around me. I also notice that there's no rubbish bin in that place not a single one but there's no reason why people cannot take their own rubbish home with them. I won't be surprised if the Port Kembla Coal Company closes the place again because of it. It will be a pity, it is such a nice place.

Would it be to much if we make a request to the local council to put a couple of rubbish bins in the area, that might help fishos to clean up. If there is anyone here who can put me to the right council, I wouldn't mind writing short note of request.



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Very commendable act there Little Dinghy :thumbup:

Please leave all spots and waterways clean of the rubbish you have and it will be great for the enviroment as well.

If anyone can point Dinghy in the right direction? it would be appreciated.

Cheers Admin

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Fill out this online request form mate and see how you go!

Council request form - Wollongong



Thanks Hodgey, I submitted the request, I wonder how they would react on a non-resident request, because I live in Toongabbie, maybe I should have requested on behalf of all fishos. Anyway, I will let you know guys the outcome. Thanks again Hodgey.


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Unfortunately I feel bins aren't the solution as the pigs that leave this rubbish wouldn't use them in the first place. Like other every fishing day is a Clean Up Australia Day for us always taking whatever we can fit on top of our own rubbish bag. So much easier to clean up and take when it is your own rubbish rather than leave it to fester or glass to break and for someone else to have to take risks cleaning it up.

May Karma catch up with them and they cook an outboard later in life on a disgarded bait packet and get cut on a beer bottle and that is the nicest thing I can say apart from "wake up" to them. Their houses probably have the neatest lawn or concrete and wo be tide anyone who littered or made a mess in their domain - hmmmmm

I am embarrassed and won't go to some spots as I see all the fishing related rubbish and just don't want to be part of that scene. That goes for wharf fishermen who can't use a bait board to chop bait or wash off the area with a bucket when done for the session.

Edited by pelican
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There are spots I fish that are left as rubbish dumps by the people fishing at night for tailor etc. Bins dont solve the problem, they may a little, but but not much. People are just lazy...

I dont understand how , if they walk in with this stuff they wont walk out with it. Fines ! Anyone seen leaving crap behind should be fined !

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All this mess does not help the fishermans cause.

Add to the list of gripes:

1) Dead fish , scales etc littered all over the place to rot (just throw them in the water . How hard is that?)

2) "Number twos" - find a toilet.

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