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More Georges River School Size Jewfish Thursday Pm 19/03/09


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Hi Everone going on reports from jewfish King and other reports., the Georges is doing very well on incoming school size jewfish at the moment.

This report is on behalf of my friend George aka Cungee George on fishraider who fished at Lugarno last night. The SMS photo sent to me by George was emailed back to me for posting courtesy of Steve Roosterman. Thanks for thatSteve

jewfish Size - just over 8kilos

Bait - live yellowtail

Tide - early in the run in tide

Line - 80lb braid

Leader - 60lb

Hooks 2x 5/0 extra short shank suicides not live bait style

Rod snyder 7144 recommended for George's general requirements by Pete Luderick59 :yahoo: . George says to thank you for that.

Reel Mitchell 499 I think, George has several Mitchells

Here is George with his 8kilo Lugarno jew after spending the last three days at Menai for a bit of everything else.



jewgaffer 1fishing1:

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Its these types of reports that make it much eaier for other raiders to find the prime locations. (even though they are a trade secret)

I know that fishoes are sometimes very secretive about their locations, but telling other fishoes thier favourite spots is not only really helpful, but also good for the environment and the cause.

It is with this sort of information that we can let it be known that this paticular area is good for the recreational fisherman.


Mrs Flightmanager

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Man you guys rock should i put my line to 80lb am

i fishing to light will that fish brake my line im using 10lb.


Well done on the monster jew i just saw petes post and thought

that was a monster.

Man id love a fish like that!! Im fishing in a creek at Lugarno do you

catch them in creeks??

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Ah Lugarno.... We popped down to Lugarno at about 3am on Friday night... Fished till sunrise and had nothing bite.

Anyway congratulations on the jew, nice to see there are some around there being caught.

Edited by zephi
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