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Ray And Hutcho Brisbane Waters

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, Hutch and I went out for an end of week fish this arvo, we firstly flicked for some flatties around the Lobster Beach area and found them a bit shy , however we did manage a few with only the one keeper among them.

Then we went back to the Rip area and anchored up, we sent down a few baits mainly small strips of slimey mack, frigate and horsie.

These offerings were gladly taken by some hungry little reddies and bream, most of these guys were only 25-30cms but they do give you a bit of curry though.

A cup of coffee and some Scotch Finger bikkies later Hutcho's reel goes off, this had a bit of grunt to it and after a short battle we had a nice reddie in the icey esky, I scored a couple of Shovelnose Ray's, they were a bit of fun and later in the evening we scored some more bream and kept one of the bigger ones.

While this was all happening we had whole squid baits out and one of them got taken for a ride the reel was screaming ,Hutcho grabbed it but the thing had dropped it, when he wound in the whole squid had been squashed but is was still in one piece, we think that might have been our Jew.

A few Tailor started chomping our baits and after landing a couple we decided it was time to come in, it was around 11:00pm.

So that was our arvo-evening we caught quite a lot of fish, plenty of action and it was nice to be out there in a beaut place with a great mate, enjoy the pics..










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mate perfect arvo for a flick should of kept that squid down the thing i find wih jew is they like to play with the bait sometimes. ive had fish from 15-20kg play with baits (dead and alive) for 20 minutes or so before they take it properly. good luck for next time or as they say tight lines

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bad luck on the jew ray,

the ocean side of the rip just on the edge of the current and eddy can sometimes produce a jew or 2, also about 200 mtrs on the woy woy side of the bridge there is a very deep hole that fishes well from just before daylight until about 730am. Not sure of the exact depth but If you stick to the left hand side and head straight upstream you will find it on your sounder it is bloody deep!! something like 80 or 90ft.


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