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Sydney Harbour 20-3-09


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Hi everyone,

Myself and 2 mates fished the harbour, we set off from Rose Bay ramp

around 9ish in the morn. Motored over to a spot and try our luck and get some squid.

I got 2 very quickly but the dozen or so others we could see just wouldn't touch

any of our offerings. We then went to spot A where within 5 mins we had a double

hook up, just as Bill and I get colour Georges rod buckles over and all three of

us are now doing battle with Kings. After a few mins off trying to avoid crossed

lines Bill and I land our fish. A quick pic and a measurement later mine is returned

as he only made 62cm, But Bills makes the 65cm requirement and is placed in ice.

At this stage George lands his fish and it makes 70cm and this is put on ice also.

We then sent our 3 baits out again and I put a live squid out on a heavier outfit also.

My outfit came back, squid gone, :( . I sent out another, and same result, our prawn

baits also kept getting taken, our leaders had little nip marks on them. This could

only mean one thing, then George manages to foul hook one under the jaw, damn

Leather jackets had turned up and were massacering our baits. :ranting2:

Time to move to spot B, all we saw there were tons of yellow tails and more jackets

and big ones too, coming right up our berley trail within site. :ranting2: Moved to

spot C, sent out peeled prawns, pilly tails and chicken breast baits down and waited

for something to happen, 15 mins later I tell the boys that I saw something flash by in

the water. Just as i finished saying this zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my reel sings and I'm onto a

King as Bill gets a hit, I land a rat of 56cm, Bill gets a Bream, then George a Bream.

Following Georges Bream are a couple of Kings, Bill and I feed them a prawn, then

mine is taken for a run, then I land another rat similar to the one before, Bill hooks up

to a good fish then some time later he is busted off. George hooks into a King then he

gets busted also. The action went on like this for the next hour, we were landing Bream

in between King captures and we had a few bust offs on bigger kings that would take us

into structure. I have never had so many bust offs, at one stage I had all 3 of my lighter

outfits out of action due to bust offs. There were definitely some bigger Kings in amongst

the smaller Kings and Bream. The 10 and 15kg outfits we had out didn't even get a single

bit of attention from any fish which is usually the way for us. We also caught 2 trevs during

all the commotion as well. The bite shut down after about and hour when the leatheries found

us again, so we called it quits.

Most of the Kings we caught today had yellow or green tags in them, the smaller Kings had tags

with Coffs Harbour written on them, and the slightly larger ones had Cronula.


heres some pics

Bill and the our double hook up kings


George and a nice King


A throw back at 62cm


About to be returned to Posiedon


A quick flick of the tail and gone


Another rat


Rat King


Lunch and dinner for 3 families today.


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Sounds to me like you have caught few of the Rats that have just been released from the Kingfish study that has taken place in the harbour.

I was advised that they had several fish caught only 10 mins after being released.

Preliminary results from their study are great, with only 2 or 3 fish passing away from the sample that was taken.

Great to see where some of our fishing licence monies are going


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Hey mate,

Well done on the kings. Sounds like a fantastic day on the water! Its absolutely fantastic when you can see the fish come and hit the baits!

I was out today and had a similar result (no bustoffs though). Had a live squid on a heavier outfit that was not touched and caught everything on the lighter gear. Also, the fish had yellow tags!

Did you see any bonito and frigate tuna? They were thick today


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Did you see any bonito and frigate tuna? They were thick today


Hi Andrew,

We saw lots of them Frigates at one of the spots we fished at, tried

several different ways to catch em but we had no luck.


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Hi Andrew,

We saw lots of them Frigates at one of the spots we fished at, tried

several different ways to catch em but we had no luck.


Yea mate,

I had the same problem. I would throw in a hand full of pilles with the hook completely concealed and the buggers ate every piece but the one with the hook. They are smart buggers, I think lighter line (4-6lb flouro) might be the go. Tossed lures and they were not interested.

I witnessed a great capture today! I was outside early this morning and some blokes land-based landed a longtail (northern bluefin) tuna. It was a solid fish which i would estimate at around 6-8kg. It was a great catpure from Sydney rocks!!! :thumbup:


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I witnessed a great capture today! I was outside early this morning and some blokes land-based landed a longtail (northern bluefin) tuna. It was a solid fish which i would estimate at around 6-8kg. It was a great catpure from Sydney rocks!!! :thumbup:


That would have been a good one to witness.


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