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Forries And The Entrance Bommie(central Coast)

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, Hutch and I went for an arvo fish off the coast, launched at Terrigal and headed up to the Forresters, Cracky reefs, found a couple of small kings.

Then we took off up to the Entrance Bommie, we scored a tiny king 50cm's or so, and a couple of Bonnies.

The water was nice ENE wind about 10 k, we jetted back to the Skillion , nothing there so we headed back to the ramp..

Nice arvo for a late decision by Hutch to go for a fish..


Biggest of the small Kings 63cms


The release



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Hi mate,

Cool report and good going on the small kings :thumbup:

We downrigged The Bombie one day for 2 MONUMENTAL bust-offs on real big kings.......I've heard they get kings there up to 20kgs on a fairly regular basis!! :1yikes:



G'day Wacko, that's right they have caught a few big ones up there, one of these days we hope it's us fighting a lifetime king..


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G'day Ray

Nice shots - good release of the kingie! I've heard of the Skillion at Terrigal for years! All the old fishing mags mention it, but you don't hear of it much these days! Will have to check it out one day! :)



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