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Keeping Alive Bait In An Esky?


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Hey all,

Please feel free to tell me i am a knob if this suggestion is very stupid. I thought that i could fill my esky with sea water whilst out there and put some livies in there. If i took out water and added new water every so often would they stay alive. I remeber when i was a kid and caught bream off a wharf i used to put them in a bucket and they would survive for ages. Squid also seem to be pretty durable things how long would these last in the esky. No i would not have beer in there at the same time. Cheers for any help. Mike.

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I have a similar setup to the iceman in my tinny except its fed with fresh seawater from a pump i drop over the transom when stationary. It also has a simple overflow outlet that ensures it never completely fills.

It works great even with a relatively small pump of 250gph.

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I have been toying with this idea as I have a 25L esky thats screaming out to be turned into an portable live bait tank - I am often land based.

I was going to put hinges on the lid and I have two aerators that I thought would pump enough air into the esky - just need to tape down the air hoses. Changing the water every now and again is of course essential

This can also be used in a boat however I'd be holding onto it whilst under way!

I reckon its an affordable option.

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I actually hadnt planned on using any kind of airation device. I suppose that i will have a proper one made by Brickman from Stainless Steel and mount it behind the thwart seat at the front. I am hopeless with anything DIY so it could be a lengthy process. I will use the esky until i can sort out somethinng more permanant.

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I actually hadnt planned on using any kind of airation device. I suppose that i will have a proper one made by Brickman from Stainless Steel and mount it behind the thwart seat at the front. I am hopeless with anything DIY so it could be a lengthy process. I will use the esky until i can sort out somethinng more permanant.

Airator in an esky is easy way to go to start off mate, buy an airator from your local tackle store, one that takes batteries they dont cost much at all and just throw the stone end in the water and let it go and youll be sweet for a few hours until u need to change water.

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If I'm using yakkas (especially bigger ones) I use an old esky and use a small bucket to change the water pretty regularly. When I'm fishing with smaller poddies I use a minnow bcket that i bought recently (about $30). It has an inner bucket with slots in the bottom (except last inch or so). You lift out the inner bucket (with the fish), empty the main bucket and refill it with fresh water. The poddies splash around in the inner bucket untill you put it back in the main bucket. Also makes it easier to catch them if they are lievely, just pull out the inner bucket untill there isn't as much water for the to get away in. I don't take an aerator out in the boat. The humm annoys me too much (small tinny). i only use the aerator to keep the poddies alive overnight (get off to an early start in the morning). Anotehr tip is to change the water at least twice after catching poddies, especially if you get them in a trap. They spew and poo everything in the first couple of hours when they are stressed. The bucket always ends up full of bread and crap. The water is always cleaner (although still pretty dirty) the next day than if you don't do a couple of complete water changes. Garry

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If I'm using yakkas (especially bigger ones) I use an old esky and use a small bucket to change the water pretty regularly. When I'm fishing with smaller poddies I use a minnow bcket that i bought recently (about $30). It has an inner bucket with slots in the bottom (except last inch or so). You lift out the inner bucket (with the fish), empty the main bucket and refill it with fresh water. The poddies splash around in the inner bucket untill you put it back in the main bucket. Also makes it easier to catch them if they are lievely, just pull out the inner bucket untill there isn't as much water for the to get away in. I don't take an aerator out in the boat. The humm annoys me too much (small tinny). i only use the aerator to keep the poddies alive overnight (get off to an early start in the morning). Anotehr tip is to change the water at least twice after catching poddies, especially if you get them in a trap. They spew and poo everything in the first couple of hours when they are stressed. The bucket always ends up full of bread and crap. The water is always cleaner (although still pretty dirty) the next day than if you don't do a couple of complete water changes. Garry

Some good tips there Gary with some simple ideas to make life easier. :thumbup:

I will try these techniques myself. :biggrin2:



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