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Any Blackfish Yet?


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I can't believe its almost April again!!!

Shouldn't be long till the Blackies start making an appearance in the Estuaries again, has anyone see or heard of any in the George river yet? I really am looking forward to their return.



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You and me both Chris,

Its been a long time since I've spent hours staring at a pencil float :wacko:

I reckon we should go have a poke around anyway... Can you get any weed from round your area?

I reckon Stewy would be pretty keen too :thumbup:


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Yeah i have seen quite a few around the harbour lately too mixed in with some big bream...

Weed is a bit hard to come across this time of year i believe, but try some of the rock platforms and you may find some cabbage if your lucky...

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hehehe They are 'on' all year round up here! :) Saw some beauties over the last 7 days! Can't wait to get back to them very soon! A buddy's Dad wants to learn how to catch blackies & has lined me up next week to show him how! I will be printing off the 'blackie Bible' soon!! :)

Cheerio & good luck!


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Thanks for the replies everyone :thumbup:

Yeh Dan and Stephen, we'll have to give them a go real soon!!! I should be able to geta bit of weed down the local haunts ;) , might have a look after I mow the lawn today....will let youz know how I get on.

Looks like there might be a couple around already, ready.....set....go!

Thanks again to all who replied.



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