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26th -27th Overnight Hawkesbury Bash


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Keen to get the tinnie in the drink, Myself and cousin Rod launched at Peats Bridge Boat ramp at about 11pm, headed across to Flatrock Point to say G'day to fellow Fishraider 'wttmrwolf', fished for an hour or so only pulling up eels. :mad3:

I had a short lived idea that we would head across to Juno, but as soon as we got out from shelter we were getting smashed by the swell, and decided to hightail it around to the Railway Bridges, which yeilded a 'just' keeper Bream .....I kept him for my little bloke who loves it when Dad brings home a fish for him (and also helps me convince :wife: that I should go fishing).

After some bobbing around and drifting around and between the bridges, for nothing more, we decided we would look for a new spot.

I dragged out the 'ye old ancient fishing map' .....This map was found a month or 2 back floating in the river, and allthough it is a just a laminated photocopy of a realy old looking map, I hoped it may hold a few long lost secrets of the Hawkesbury.

'Tumbledown' was decided on as we would throw out a 'Californian squid' each, and fish a couple of other lines in hope of a big thumper Bream or 10.

Just on Daybreak approx (2 Hours into the Run in Tide) ...........

ZZZZZZZZZZ Rod (The dude not the pole) jumped up and grabbed his rod (The pole not the dude) , and after a small run, reeled in his first Legal Jewie :yahoo: We forgot to measure him, but would estimate a 65cm model, did weigh him though and came in just on 1.8KG.

Not much happened after that, so we fired up some bangers on the cooker, had brekky and then off for drift around inside of Juno for a big fat ZILCH, headed home at about 1pm.

All in all, A great night on the water regardless of the southerly buster and Rod's (The dude not the pole) still stoked over his first legal JEW!


Edited by HawkesburyMarlin
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Hey mate, where did you catch that funny looking green vb fish? I want some of that action.

Seriously, Sounds like you guys had a great night on the water. Terrific fish there guys. Congratulations to Rod on a pb jewie. Hopefully the first of many.


Mrs Flightmanager

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Nice result getting a take home jew Hawkesbury Marlin :thumbup: .... Shame the pole didn't get much of a result while he was over here, tell your mate maybe a full moon and smiley like this would suit his face shape better :D



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