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Sussex Inlet/st Georges Basin?


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Hi Raiders,

I have been a long time admirer of this site, but have only recently been in a position to join the ranks.

My wife is into the whole social networking bit and wanted to help me to set one of those pages up, I just laughed her off telling her I would be way to busy with the Fishraider Forums, and here I am.

I thought this the perfect opportunity to pick some very large fishing brains. Later in May I am taking my 4.2 metre (30 hp) tinny to Vincentia with a couple of mates for a long weekend.

I am very keen to try fishing the Sussex Inlet and St Georges Basin area, but don't really know where to start. As much as I would love to explore around, just trying new spots that look good to me, I am a bit short of time so any hints or tips of where to try from anyone that has fished down the way, would really be appreciated.

Thanks and I look forward to making all of you acquantinces on-line in the very near future.

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Hi Raiders,

I have been a long time admirer of this site, but have only recently been in a position to join the ranks.

My wife is into the whole social networking bit and wanted to help me to set one of those pages up, I just laughed her off telling her I would be way to busy with the Fishraider Forums, and here I am.

I thought this the perfect opportunity to pick some very large fishing brains. Later in May I am taking my 4.2 metre (30 hp) tinny to Vincentia with a couple of mates for a long weekend.

I am very keen to try fishing the Sussex Inlet and St Georges Basin area, but don't really know where to start. As much as I would love to explore around, just trying new spots that look good to me, I am a bit short of time so any hints or tips of where to try from anyone that has fished down the way, would really be appreciated.

Thanks and I look forward to making all of you acquantinces on-line in the very near future.

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Hi mate,

Just got back from st georges basin only last week and got pretty lucky. I fish the basin once/twice a year and have always enjoyed it. I'm sure others probably know it much better and I have always left my boat at home, so can only give you land based options. I've fished it from a boat once or twice but frankly, I love the idea of grabbing a rod and bum bag carrying an assortment of plastics and HB.....and hitting the flats and weeds. When it gets colder I throw on some waders, that's it.

Anyway, typically species encountered is bream, flatties, luderick, tailor and whiting. Prawns on a dark night are always fun, some for bait, rest for the pan.

I generally fish out the front of palm beach.....most boats I see are drifting over weed belts or fishing near the inlet.

Hope that helps,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from the sussex myself and there wasn't much around. In the basin I know of a few fishos fishing the artifical reefs and not much to report there, plenty of tailor out there but were not biting. I fish around the mouth of the basin there is some nice spots around there. outgoing tide drift into the river and you might get a flatty (if it's a bit busy you can't really do that) I picked up a 50cm flatty in the river just outside the RSL club on the weekend and lost another bit smaller at the boat. I was using poddies but many have been getting flatties on SP.

Oh and watch out for the rays there seems to be many around but never hooked one (lucky me)


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yea i usually go up to sussex inlet every year, at this time last yea, the Tailor were chopping like crazy, within 10 minutes of fishing we had 6 fish or so, with metal lures. thats what i got around this time last year, and 1 big bream that cut me off on the oysters, but yea. Tailor is the main fish at sussex at this times, didnt go into the basin at that time. But i went to the Alemien Resort thingo or what ever, and we also reeled in one whopper of a lizard at 75CM on a plastic, but that one was pretty much luck i say but yea, gl.

Edited by Luke1
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