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Broklyn? Or The Harbour?


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I am planning a trip with a buddy that is a first timer to salt water.. The problem is I just dont know which way to go.. I am from Bathurst and i am thinking of one of these too..

1st choice Hawksberry.. from Broklyn and out to Lion island and a bit futher?

2nd choice Sydney Harbour and just outside the heads, or possibly Botany Bay?

last resort......belambi?

I have been watching the reports and will keep watching as it will be from good friday untill saturday night..

will be staying on the boat as much as possible and keepiing the lines wet.. :1fishing1:

Any thoughts and or suggestions would be great...

i would realy love to get amounst some Kingy's as I have yet to catch one..Are they still around?

Tight lines and thanks for any and al help I can get... :beersmile:

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Hey yarraone

mate if its kings you want then sydney harbour is the go also with easy access to middle harbour which holds good kings and there are still plenty around the jews are becoming more frequent to

mate send me a pm when you have dates i would be happy to meet up with you anytime on the weekend or weekday arvo


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Hey yarraone

mate if its kings you want then sydney harbour is the go also with easy access to middle harbour which holds good kings and there are still plenty around the jews are becoming more frequent to

mate send me a pm when you have dates i would be happy to meet up with you anytime on the weekend or weekday arvo


Thanks Adzzy no worries mate I will let you know next week for sure.. will be good friday when I arrive and will be there untill saturday night late... i think I will be putting in at rose bay but will go through the details later...untill then be safe :beersmile:

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What about a houseboat on the Hawksbury for a "mothership"

That way, at least if the fish aren't biting, you have a nice retreat for an ale or two :biggrin2: , also somewhere to cook your fare.

Check the forecast before you leave home.

I thought Bathurst would be a nice place for easter :tease: , do they still have the bike races then?

Either way, have an enjoyable long weekend - watch the traffic.



Edited by Mariner 31
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What about a houseboat on the Hawksbury for a "mothership"

That way, at least if the fish aren't biting, you have a nice retreat for an ale or two :biggrin2: , also somewhere to cook your fare.

Check the forecast before you leave home.

I thought Bathurst would be a nice place for easter :tease: , do they still have the bike races then?

Either way, have an enjoyable long weekend - watch the traffic.



no bike races at easter anymore.. and yes I cook on my boat and stay on her most of the time...A house boat is a good idea maybe next year i will see if other raiders want to join me in the expence.. to be honest i never gave it a thought... great idea mariner :beersmile::thumbup:

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