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Chopper75 & Janet Arrive In Forster!


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Hi all

Just got in from visiting Glenn, Janet & Little James in their new home in Forster! THey are so excited, looking forward to unpacking all their boxes & settling in to their new life.

I took a bottle of Bubbly over to help them celebrate their first night here ...... bet they go out for tea!!

I look forward to catching up with as soon as they are settled & wetting a line with them :)



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hahaha 'THE PREDATOR ......... has already advised Glenn that I am keen to get him out on those Bass waters (Secret Creek) that I found (very safe to kayak & very stable kayaks) on an evening sometime beofre the 'stop' season starts!! Just now, after all the rain, it could be productive!, too, once the levels have returned to normal :)


THe boat JUST fits into the garage ..... that means one of the vehicles nees to live outside! :)

Edited by Roberta
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We have finally arrived in Forster :thumbup: The Predator has a new fishing buddy. A big thanks to Roberta(The Predator) for finding our home in Forster. If it wasn't for Roberta's help, this move wouldn't have been possible. Thank you so much for the bubbly, it was really appreciated.

We are very happy to have made the move. We have only been here a few days, but we feel more relaxed. The locals seem very helpful and friendly.

It was great seeing you on Wednesday Roberta. Thought we would find you at the local blackie spot :biggrin2:

Looking forward to chasing those bass, blackie fishing and taking you out on our boat Roberta. I am sure we weill get plenty of use with our electric motor chasing those flatties near the leases :thumbup:

The boat has half the garage, my Astra has the other half. The jeep has the outside parking position.

Found the fishing gear and emptied the boat. Almost ready for a fish! The boxes and unpacking will have to wait :074:

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