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Blackfish Cabbage?


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I have some algae growing in my brackish tank, they look like ulva lactuca. I've been meaning to ask about this for a few weeks. Is this the sea lettuce/cabbage used for blackfishing? It grows really fast and I regularly have to trim them, then I just freeze them.

I get my water from the Georges River.


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Hi Zephi

It looks pretty similar - but 'feeling it' would be the way to tell. We have some other 'cabbage' looking stuff up here, but it is soft & slimey.

Usually, cabbage (from beach rocks) is fairly 'crisp' to the touch.


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Hi Zephi

It looks pretty similar - but 'feeling it' would be the way to tell. We have some other 'cabbage' looking stuff up here, but it is soft & slimey.

Usually, cabbage (from beach rocks) is fairly 'crisp' to the touch.


Hi Roberta.

This weed is quite crispy. And the larger ones grow in sheets which fold and undulate. Some grow well over 10cm in length and width. The larger and older the sheets become, the crispier it becomes.

Would you happen to have a good photo of some blackfish cabbage?

Let's say they are actually the right one, how would you actually present the bait on a hook, since it comes in sheets.

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Hi Zephi

Check out the photo here


The small darker clumps (aound the outside of the pic) are from the rocks where the blackies come in on high tide & under cover of darkenss to graze on them. They rarely get much bigger than that, due to being eaten every day.

The lighter green stuff in the centre of the pic is from an area the fish cant get to to eat it. It can have long 'streamer' leaves as against the shorter chewed ones.

I think the stuff you have growing is unfortunately in our system up here & grows like big sheets of plastic. It lays on the bottom, smothering the sand (& probably got into the system when someone emptied a fish tank into it!) It is a bit of a curse & as it breaks up & floats around in big sheets on the out tides. It almost feels 'too crisp' (a bit like with crispy plastic bags as against the normal 'floppy' plastic bags.) It is very thin, whereas rock cabbage has some 'thickness' about it.

If it is the one I am thinking of, It tears very easily - I tried it a few times when I first found it a few years back. Cabbage is pretty easy to put on the hook. You just put the hook thru the thickest part (usuallly down near the root.) Sometimes you only need to use one leaf, not the whole clump.

However, having said all that ....... go out & give it a go & let us know how you went!!


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ah thanks for the reply. I'll give it a shot anyway.

It might be the cabbage you are talking about, I found some of this weed along the shores of Lake Macquarie. It grew on logs,rocks and the sand. It was like a carpet.

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