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Thanks "wardy"


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I would just like to give my thanks to a fellow raider.."wardy".. :beersmile:

He posted a reply to one of my threads about lake Macquarie recently, and suggested a book I should take a look at.. "HOOKED IN PARADISE"

Well, I was given it today as a Birthday pressy for next weekend ...and I would have to say it is the ultimate book I have seen with not only great maps with all your navigation and fishing sections but also knots and GPS points.. It covers from QLD to VIC and I just cant put it down and will become part of my boat bag...

So thanks again wardy for your help...If only the world could be as helpfull as fishraider... :beersmile:

Edited by yarraone
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Buy the hooked on paradise book from most newsagents google earth like maps of most of nsw coast, lake mac in there and all names of bays etc are overlayed on them good tool when used with sites like this that are so helpful

Wardy :biggrin2:

Hi Yarraone

I must say I found wardy's reply almost a compelling directive to keep up with new technology and get the full benefit of it... I'll be travelling away to recouperate from my coming back operation and I have friends to catch up with who live in Newcastle and are handy to Lake Macquarie.

I had saved Wardy's post to your Lake Macquarie enquiry in an email to myself as reminder to buy the book

Thanks Wardy :thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Yarraone

I must say I found wardy's reply almost a compelling directive to keep up with new technology and get the full benefit of it... I'll be travelling away to recouperate from my coming back operation and I have friends to catch up with who live in Newcastle and are handy to Lake Macquarie.

I had saved Wardy's post to your Lake Macquarie enquiry in an email to myself as reminder to buy the book

Thanks Wardy :thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Yes the maps cover from QLD down to Vic and are very good with all the channel markers as well as hot spots, ramps and camping grounds... It has also has a section on GPS marks including reefs and wrecks.. as well as all the volunteer coastal patrol callsigns and telephone numbers from Mallacoota to south port..

By the way hope you are doing well jewgaffer and all the best :beersmile:

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Guest abuman

Yep sure is a great book .. I checked yarraone's out yesterday and it has all the info you could need without having a GPS... well done :beersmile::thumbup:

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Its acts like this that make Fishraider such a winner. Mates helping mates, or even strangers helping strangers, they soon become mates.

We are blessed to have so many good hearted and good natured people on this site.

Keep it up guys.


Mrs Flightmanager

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Looks like it's good value at $19.95 too - gonna see if any of the local tackle shops have it in stock tomorrow... and hopefully it covers the Hawkesbury too, as that's where I'm off to over easter :)

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Looks like it's good value at $19.95 too - gonna see if any of the local tackle shops have it in stock tomorrow... and hopefully it covers the Hawkesbury too, as that's where I'm off to over easter :)

It is good value at any price...I paid $37.95 at a good newsagent

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