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Camping At Crescent For A Week

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, just thought I would mention that I'll be away till next Wednesday camping up at Delicate (just south of Crescent Head). been going there now since 1981, lots of families from the Avoca, Terrigal, Kincumber, and Copa area.

We have campfires, surfing, heaps of fishing, getting beach worms, digging for pipis, eating, and other bits and pieces, the arvo brings nibblies and a few drinks, then dinner and after that the campfire gets a wriggle on and out comes the $7.95 port , Kilkenny Cream and all sorts of mixtures, a couple of guitars and usually a few made up silly songs.

Gonna take all the jewie info with me and try hard to nail one of the beaches, we usually get a heap of bream and whiting up there as well.

Anyway that's it for now gotta finish off the trailer pack ready for 3:30am take of tomorrow, there will be heaps of photo taking so look out when I get for some (heaps) of pics, hopefully lotsa fishy ones..

See ya in a week Raiders..



Edited by Ray R
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sounds like fun brother... nothing like spending time with your family/friends camping, while your fellow raiders are in a training seminar from 9am - 5pm tomorrow...!

have fun :1prop:


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Sounds like you are going to have a fantasic time. Nothing beats sitting around the campfire after a long day, chatting with friends and having a cleansing ale or 5 and maybe a lovely port.

Hope you have a terrific time, and cant wait to read the report next week.

Take care and have a safe trip to and from.


Mrs Flightmanager

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Looks a terrific spot, Ray - that rocky beach corner (both sides) should produce lots of good fish, I reckon!! :thumbup::yahoo:

Sounds like you have the 'nightly entertainment' all sorted!!! Bet you get thru more than one bottle of $7.95 Port & Kilkenny Cream YUM!

You may have a few gate crashers!!!

Have a safe trip up & have fun! :)



Can't wait for the reports already!!

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Great stuff Ray ... I'm almost packed. I've put in a couple of Chateau Cardboards (2009), an extra large bag of marshmallows, 2 port sippers and a box of Vitamin B! :biggrin2:

Have a great time mate. Look forward to the report upon your return



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