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Lake Macquarie Easter Report


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Heading to Lake Macquarie for the first time on Thursday night.. It was the start of a few first's for this trip... :thumbup:

getting ready to go............

Got to Wangi Wangi and put the boat in around 1am.. Talked to a few locals at the ramp and they were all saying that the fish had gone off the last couple of days, and they wern't getting many???? :yahoo:

So we went to spot one(10min) away....

After some advice I was given, I had to try this new style of bait I was given the reciepe for .......I wil give anything a go..( had squid and prawns for backup)

Well I had the first line in while Abuman was still ringging up.. and about 10min later ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....ZZZZ...ZZZZZZZ :1yikes:

I grab the rod, and pull in a nice 30cm bream.. that scoffed this new bait.. i had to wait to i cleaned it to get back the hook and sinker....

20 min later another nice bream...That was about it for the night.. we did have 5 more bream and 2 flatties, but were undersize ..JUST... so we let them go..

In the morning when we could see we went to spot 2....

This was very quite for hours .. Then we had flatty number 1..

We then called it quits to go have some lunch and get away fromm everyone.. the water was busier than Sydney Harbour.. :ranting2:

In the afternoon we located a spot we had been looking for and did this go off...flatty after flatty with al being legal and the biggest being 50cm all the others around 40+ :1clap:

We went to head back to the ramp and the motor burst into flames..... :1yikes: It was an electrical fire , that I put out with the extinguisher....THE FIRST time I have had one on the boat... after ready all these new rules....

So this ended our trip early..

As I was heading back i stoped and was going to camp overnight in the car untill morning outside cowan Marine and hope they could look at it..The care taker came out , who seems to know what he is on about.. and had alook and told me evrything I needed to know.. It turns out it wasnt as bad as first thought .... and I should be back on the water in a week or so....

Edited by yarraone
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awesome stuff, heaps of boats out in lake mac this weekend, apparently theyve been getting a few jewies in the 5 to 8kg range of a nite on bait in the deeper sections, were abouts did u manage the best catch for the flatties?

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awesome stuff, heaps of boats out in lake mac this weekend, apparently theyve been getting a few jewies in the 5 to 8kg range of a nite on bait in the deeper sections, were abouts did u manage the best catch for the flatties?

best catch for the flatties was at the north eastern end of Pullbar Island..Got the bigest and the most of them there.. With 3 throwing hooks and to real big bust off's..

We spoke to most people that were comming in, all had the same thing to say.....Not much luck ,and only manageda coulpog small ones,or a couple of tailor...

While we were out on the water , Had a great time... :beersmile:

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What a mixed day you had. Superb fish there mate.

Glad the fire wasnt too bad and that it will be only a week before you can get her back on the water, but what a bummer of a way to start a long weekend, and I know from your previous posts you were really looking forward to a full weekend of boat fishing.

At least everyone is safe and you live to fish another day.

Stay safe on the roads and on the water over this long weekend.


Mrs Flightnanager

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What a mixed day you had. Superb fish there mate.

Glad the fire wasnt too bad and that it will be only a week before you can get her back on the water, but what a bummer of a way to start a long weekend, and I know from your previous posts you were really looking forward to a full weekend of boat fishing.

At least everyone is safe and you live to fish another day.

Stay safe on the roads and on the water over this long weekend.


Mrs Flightnanager

Yep the caretaker at Heutt marine in Cowan helped us out alot.. In the middle of the night his dog was barking and he came out to see if we were ok.. i told him what happened and he said he would take a look... :biggrin2:

So he told me what was damaged and how to fix the problems, what they should cost and a great deal of other helpfull tips.. So now when I go to my local bloke at least i know that I wont be ripped off in price and i know exactly what I need.. So all is well, and should have up and running next weekend .. I might take it out to Lake lyell for a test run.. :thumbup:

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Guest abuman

Yep it was a great day untill the fire, and once again yarraone had it all under control.. you did well mate :thumbup:

We got god flathead and i had a ball..pitty it was cut short

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Sorry to hear about the boat, least you got a few good fish. We got buggerall for the weekend. I think i passed you heading North past Wangi on Firday whilst i headed south? The boat looked familiar.

yeah i think I remember your boat as well..i actualy think I was next to you around pullbar island ..(If you were fishing there).. :beersmile: anyway better luck next time for you..

I might see you at Lake lyell?

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yeah i think I remember your boat as well..i actualy think I was next to you around pullbar island ..(If you were fishing there).. :beersmile: anyway better luck next time for you..

I might see you at Lake lyell?

Yarra Not sure about later on, there was a lot of freedom sports around (more than i have every seen) which island was pullbar, the larger one near the channel with some campers on it?

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Yarra Not sure about later on, there was a lot of freedom sports around (more than i have every seen) which island was pullbar, the larger one near the channel with some campers on it?

No Pullbar is the larger island south of the channell about 10 to 15 min away.. but anyway maybe next time we might meet up.. :beersmile:

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