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Middle Harbour 22/4


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Met up with Steve (Kirkby) at his MH spot today, hoping for some nice flatties and bream. Got down there and set pilchard baits, along with prawns and slimeys. Were burleying a lot of the time and had a mullet trap set and the poddies were a bit quiet at first but then a lot appeared but they just didn't want anything to do with the trap.

So unfortunately all we caught today was little tailor, plenty of them and they just seemed to take the baits pretty quick so can't really tell if there were some better fish out there. Fished the last of the run out and first couple of hours of the run in, i think its probably better to fish the last of run in and fish the high with the fish up in the shallows at the spot.

Still good to be out fishing, hopefully get back into the kings on Friday with better conditions.



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Hey Josh,

All im going to say is that you should have put your boat in the water.

Amazing day out there today.


Oh man, dont do that to me mate. Hopefully get them on Friday.

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