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Undersize Kingy Gets My Goat!


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Went for a bit of a look around Drummoyne today as potentially moving house to the inner west. Whilst i was there my :wife: suggested that we go and check out the boat ramp.

Had a quick look at the facilities(Off Bayswater Rd?) and whilst i'm there i see a bloke cleaning a fish. I wandered over to have a closer look and have a chat etc - when i get there i see that its a Kingy. The guy has the head and two kids have the frame. It would have been lucky to be 50cm! I can't help myself when i see this and i got stuck in to the bloke. He swore that it was 65cm easily with the head on. It really fired me up - he knew what the legal size was but he was still trying to defend himself saying it was 65cm!

I told him what i thought of him in no uncertain terms and after a fairly lengthy spray he did look a bit sheepish. Hard to defend yourself i guess when you've been caught red handed!When are these @#$%heads going to learn?!

Whoever you were - and if you were a fishraider you should be ashamed of yourself!

Sorry for my rant but seeing people knowlingly take undersize fish really annoys me.

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it shits me to death too, especially for bream. :mad3::mad3::mad3::mad3:

good on you for having the balls to confront him about it.

i confronted 2 guys and their girlfriends about them keeping 10cm breams at apple tree bay.

and their reply was "i have been doing alot of illegal stuff lately"

i wanted to kick all their stuff right off the pontoon.

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WELL DONE JIM, wish more people would do the same as you and then maybe we wouldn't see it so often. Im shaw you would of given him a good spray, what a @%$*head teaching his kids thats ok.

i saw the same thing at drummoyne about three weeks ago. one bloke had two kings both undersized along with a bucket load of undersized bream. i didnt have the nuts to blow his head off.. but i should have

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Dont worry Jim77. One day he will get caught and the first thing he'll remember is your face until he pays the huge fine. Theres no point of arguing with people that doesnt want to listen. And another thing you dont know what they are capable of doing. Theres alot of crazy people out there that doesnt care about anybody.

Next time just ring up the fisheries. Normally the ph.no. is written on the sign on every boat ramp if you forget the number. Let them do their (fisheries) job as our fishing license goes to their salary.

Tight lines,


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Dont worry Jim77. One day he will get caught and the first thing he'll remember is your face until he pays the huge fine. Theres no point of arguing with people that doesnt want to listen. And another thing you dont know what they are capable of doing. Theres alot of crazy people out there that doesnt care about anybody.

Next time just ring up the fisheries. Normally the ph.no. is written on the sign on every boat ramp if you forget the number. Let them do their (fisheries) job as our fishing license goes to their salary.

Tight lines,


Sage advice Wannafish and better than exploring the alternatives.


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Hey Jim 77

Agree with Wannafish

Confrontation not a good idea in this day and age.

Reackon report boat rego and vehicale rego to Fisheries.

If everybody does this when they see someone they will get multipule reports of the bugger, where he fishes, and launches and he will be on their database of "Get Him".

Land based is a little harder, that relies more on troops on the ground stuff from fisheries.

Urge everyone to report information to assist fisheries, build their data base on offenders and in so doing let them "Get Em".

And yes before the detractors start, Fisheries may not sometimes accept compliants due to validation issues, BUT at least do your bit!!! Even one guy caught spreads the word!!!


Trapper Tom

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Not worth a bad outcome mate im with wannafish

I wonder if you would say anything to someone that's

out of your league your just best walking away then to get hurt

and let the authorities take care of that.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

I am wary of who i take on but then again i can handle myself as well. Some people have arked up in the past (which shows that they know they have done wrong) but they seem to think twice about having a pop at me... :1prop:

If they do and things go bad i can run pretty fast!

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I'm closing this thread as it is against site rules.

Site rule no2 "no posts on illegal fishing of any kind".

Threads like this turn into a free for all.

Do the right thing, get as many details as you can & contact fisheries.


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