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Drummer Time


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went 4 a drummer bash this mornen for the 9.30 low tide, berleyed heavily with bread annd then started fishen with some cunjei that i had cut a few weeks ago and frozen, after about half hour or so with the berley doing its magic! the game began, and HOLY CRAP, DO THE DRUMMER PUT IT ON!!!! i almost 4got how hard they pull!! they are hardcore fish and if you aint set up 4 them or ready 4 them , then you havent got a chance, 'I LOVE IT" :1fishing1: 2 good size drummer and a little groper.


Edited by diver1
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Hi Diver1, nice catch of fish, I'll be in to those brutes soon, and you are right about hangin' on, some of those big fellas will give your arms a good stretching..


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Good on ya Diver1, those fellas really do pull HARD hey, and they make for some beautiful white fillets too!!! A couple of nice fish there, well done :thumbup: ............might be time to get into them again myself.



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hey diver congrats on an awesome feed u will get an awesome lil meal out of that session hope the arms arent to tired and saw cods ive had a few sessions where moving em the next day hurts hahahah

but definately get some nice white fresh fillets off em although my favourite meal that is almost imposible to go past is turning em into a feed of nice lil boneless fish cocktails with a nice fresh tartare sauce just bone em cut em up into cocktails and its amazing....

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great fish mate..

im always at norah head squiddin all round th place..

fished behind th rock pool a few times with cunji,

got a few small grouper and a few parrot fishh..

didnt have much idea what i was doing


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Believe it or not, this is the first time I've seen a pic of a drummer!

Whats the cunjee thats used to catch them?

hey mate, cunjei is found on the low rocks at low tide, its a small mound bout half the size of a tennis ball and if u tread on em they squirt. you cut the top off and get ya fingers in there and pull out the meat, anyway thats my pathetic attempt at describeing them, maybe some1 could post a pic of one?

Top pigs Diver...how long are those beasts?

hey rob, didnt measure them this time but they were good solid fish!! the 2 drummer fed me n the missus and the 2 kids. :thumbup: awesome eating to.

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Hey diver , you givin up on the lake flatties.?

no way mate, it was just that i only had a few hours spare and drummer fishing is quick and easy with minimal gear compared to putting the boat in for a cple of hours and then home for a hour of washing it and packen it up,

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Gday Diver what type and size line do you like to use on the groper . Tightlines Hawk

hey mate, i was useing 20kg when i 1st started chaseing them (and trust me, sometimes you need it) but i recently went down to 10kg. :1fishing1:

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