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Flyfishing Narrabeen Lakes

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G'day Raiders,

it was good to get back on the lake again after not fishing there for 4 weeks or so. The day started early with me meeting Bluecod down there at 5.45, it was still pitch black. We went to Woolies bridge first and cast a few homemade clousers at the bridge pylons and scored a few chopper tailor, after a couple of drifts we went and anchored up to one of my fav spots. Burleyed out and there was plenty of surface action with plenty of mullet and bream getting into it. With a slight SE wind over our shoulders we could cast with the current, but it was hard getting the first fish. A bit of Berkelys changed that and soon we were into a fun filled couple of hours with a final tally of about 8 mullet, 4 bream and a decent blackfish and dropped about 4 or 5, nothing humungous but heaps of fun. Things went quiet about 9 so we motored to another spot but lucked out. An enjoyable session overall, and good to get into some action. Thanks for the company George. Here's a couple of pics.

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Sounds like a top little trip fella's..

If your drifting the lake you should try whacking an 8/0 through one of those mullet rigged up on a handline..you never know your luck, if you kept doing it every trip im sure something would nail and keep you busy for a while.. :biggrin2:

Good report :thumbup::thumbup:

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Guest Jocool

Nice little morning session. :thumbup: Now that I'm land based for a couple of weeks I should make a trip out to Narra for a morning!

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Guest bluecod

Thanks Ken for a pleasant morning on the Lake - sure beats sleeping :badair:

What Ken didn't say, was that mullet I got was one of only two fish caught by myself - Ken managed all the rest, which was interesting.

Our flies were the same, both casting to the same berley trail, both using floating fly lines, the only difference was that Ken was using a 6lb fluorocarbon tippet whilst I was using 6lb mono.

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Guest Jocool

Perhaps your stripping technique is different? Flouro sinks whereas mono floats, correct? Maybe thats what did it!

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there are some big lizards in there, so a smallish mullet could be snavelled up by one of them on the drift or even a jew, they are in there. Iv'e often wondered that myself and that's a good idea, might hook one up next time and throw him towards a deep section while flyfishing.


your'e welcome and lets do it again soon.


does that mean your motor is getting fixed? You know if you come down the lakes, your always welcome on my boat, its only small though, but gets around the lake no worries.

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Guest Jocool

does that mean your motor is getting fixed?  You know if you come down the lakes, your always welcome on my boat, its only small though, but gets around the lake no worries.


Ken, I'm just being cautious and not using the boat till the Mech has a look at it. Will go in on the 1st of April.

Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that soon. Would make a funny sight with me and you in a small punt! :risata:

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