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Wisemans Jewies.


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Hi raiders,

Last week I had the good fortune to be invited to join Tide'n knots at Wisemans for a go at some of the jewies that hang out in that part of the river. :thumbup:

I took Friday as a flex, and headed up there mid afternoon Thursday, and joined Pete and my sister Roberta who had already been out on the river.

That first session,while we caught plenty of small jewfish, eels and catfish, getting a keeper was a problem. Pete got a good flattie that afternoon session, but that was it. :(

Friday early morning was another quiet session with no keepers so it was looking a bit bleak there for a while. Back at camp and after saying goodbye to Roberta who had to return to Forster for another adventure, Pete and I headed out again to the same spot.

This time the luck was with me and I got my first good sized jewie, measuring about 64cm and weighing in at 6lb; a new PB. :yahoo:post-3378-1241437814_thumb.jpg

Another smaller but legal jewie plus a flattie to each of us saw the tally looking reasonable.

Did I mention the temperature? It was cold out on the water and each evening there was a mist that decended on the river and it was still there next morning. It was an interesting time as Pete sorted out his marks in the mist, epecially as visibility was not all that good. He proved to be a master at it as when the mist lifted, we were pretty much spot on where he wanted us to be. Saturday morning, and on the water by 4am I think, but once again, no real action. This pic was taken about 8AMpost-3378-1241438153_thumb.jpg

We found there was a problem with fresh water weed coming down with the out going tide, and once it began to foul the hooks and sinkers, the fish went off the bite, so that was when we headed in for a rest and rethink.

After a bit of lunch and a rest, we tidied up the camp and I packed my things into the car for my return to the coast. This time Pete took the boat down the river and I drove down and he picked me up.

Once again the luck was with me and I boated two more legal jewies and Pete got another flattie.

Pete dropped me off at 5pm, and after cleaning the fish, I headed home.

It had rained on the Thursday on my way out to the river, but it was dry all the time I was there. As I headed east I could see some lightning , and when I hit Terrey Hills I came into some light rain. Down in Narrabeen there was chaos, as there were numerous flooded sections of road, stalled cars, flooded buildings, etc. I gave Pete a call to let him know of the weather, but apart from seeing the lightning, the rain did not get that far inland.

all in all a very good time with a couple of other fishing nuts, and I do look forward to spending more time on that section of the river with Pete, if the invite comes!!

Pete if I didnt say it before, you are a real champion; one who is happy to share his knowledge, boat and secrets to get others into the action :thumbup: thanks for the time up there.

tight lines


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Great report Cam - well done on nailing the jewies on that last evening & day :) Especially well done on getting the 6lber!! :1yikes:

Mine is still out there with a hook & line trailing from his mouth! :1badmood:

It was great catching up again on the water - many thanks to Pete for letting it happen for us! As Cam says, Pete - you are a champion - just hope I can nail a beautie next time I am out with you!!

As I said ...... here fishee, fishee, fishee, madam wants a fish ......... it worked on my bigger flattie, just got to get it to work on the jew!!

Cheerio for now


Amazing how bad the weather had been on the coast, but not a drop on the river (well apart from the small spit on my first morning there!)

hehe your pic of the rods & mist is almost identical to mine! :)

Edited by Roberta
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Top report cam,

yourself and roberta were an absolute pleasure to fish with and next year should be even better!!

I personally had a terrific time away and came home very relaxed and unwound. Good company, good food, a little wine and a few good fish thrown in - as you said one night back at camp - I wonder what the poor people are doing?


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